EVERGREEN TERRACE - ''Losing all hope is freedom'' CD
Ocena: 7,9/10
Izdaja: Indianola Records
Leto: 2001
Dolžina: 11 komadov - 32:20 min
Povezava: Evergreen Terrace

To bo verjetno eden najlepše oblikovanih ovitkov/bookletov kar sem jih videl v zadnjem času...ok, uvodna slika sicer ni najboljša ampak se ujema z njihovimi teksti. Prva stvar, ko sem videl ovitek, sem pomislil, da bi to lahko bili kaki religiozni ljudje v bendu in začnem hitro brati besedila in že v drugem tekstu naletim na ključne besede ''Now I know the consequence of my sins, take me Lord just as I am, only you...'', hitro za vsak slučaj pogledam še thanks listo in kot sem si mislil je prva ''oseba'' na katero pade zahvala sam Bog. Jebi ga, tudi meni težijo takšni teksti ampak bodimo tolerantni...vsak ima svoje! O bendu sicer ne vem nič razen tega, da se na Eulogy Records že slinijo zanje ali pa bodo Evergreen Terrace raje podpisali za Tooth&Nail Records, kjer je doma krščanski hardcore? Glasba, ki jo delajo Evergreen Terrace je melodičen metalcore z odličnimi lepo pojočimi ''emo'' deli, ki se pojavljajo bolj ali manj v vsakem komadu. Gre za odlicno mešanico metalcora, hardcora in emocora in to si lahko najlepše predstavljamo če združimo skupaj Poison the Well, Streatch Arm Strong in pa Hot Water Music. Temu dodamo še kričeč distorziran vokal, ki se meša z lepim petjem in dobimo približno podobo njihove glasbe, ki je zelo poslušljiva in nikakor ne dolgočasna. Najboljši komad je priredba ''Sunday Bloody Sunday'', ki jo v originali igrajo U2...hardcore verzija totalno zažiga!

English Version:
This's probably the most attractive lay-out/booklet I saw in a long time...ok, the front image's not perfect but it surely match perfectly with the lyrics. The first thing that came on my mind while I was looking into the front lay-out was a thought that Evergreen Terrace could be some religious folks so I immediately strated reding texts and soon came across words I've been looking for ''Now I know the consequence of my sins, take me Lord just as I am, only you...''. Just to be totally sure I quckly turned to the last page checked the thanks list and yes, just like I thought. The first ''person'' they thank to is who else than ''god''. That kind of things makes me laught but lets be tolerant...it's not my business! I actually don't know much about the band except that Eulogy Records is already slobbering on these guys, but maybe they will rather sign for Tooth&Nail Records, a home of christian hardcore? Their music is melodic metalcore with amazing beautiful singing ''emo'' parts, which appears more or less in every song. It's a great mixture of metalcore, hardcore and emocore we can immagine if we put together Poison the Well, Streatch Arm Strong and Hot Water Music. We only have to add some distorted screaming with a company of beautiful singing and we get their listenable and never get bored music. My favourite is their last song titled ''Sunday Blody Sunday'' originaly played by U2...hardcore version kick ass!