kje so leta ko sem znova in znova nažigal ''self-titled'' 7'' tega
benda in bil totalno osupel nad perfeknostjo glasbe. Tipi po vseh
teh letnih očitno še vedno vstrajajo ravno pri tistem kot nekoč,
se pravi, energičen punk/hardcore ali če hočete, old school hardcore
z drvečim tempom, dobrim smislom za rife in melodije, ter odličnim,
svojevrstnim načinom vpitja. Če se ne motim je ''Love the music,
hate the kids'' njihov peti veliki album in tokrat gre za nekaj
čisto posebnega. Album namreč zajema same priredbe oz. hardcore
himne, ki so jih fantje skozi leta preigravali, ter so tako ali
drugače vplivale na bend. Sam sem se še najbolj razveselil komada
''Slave'' od Infest in ''No spirital surrender'' od Inside Out,
precej cool pa je tudi melodična priredba benda Dwarves, pa čeprav
zanje nisem še nikoli prej slišal. Preostali komadi so še od Bad
Brains, Dag Nasty, Bad Religion, Descendents Verbal Assault, Discharge,
Negative Approach, Sick of it All, Killing Time, Misfits in Insted,
če omenim le najbolj znana imena izbranih 20 komadov. Ubistvu je
večina komadov precej uredu in Ensign jih igrajo prav tako odlično,
kot bi bili njihovi lastni. Ovitek pride s fantastično risbo Michael
Bukowskega, ki se seveda nanaša na naslov albuma, znotraj pa za
vsak komad posebej namenijo nekaj svojih besed in pa še nekaj besed
o ideji in nastanku samega albuma. Sprva sem že mislil, da gre za
nekakšen trend, glede na to, da so ne dolgo nazaj Evergreen Terrance
naredili nekaj podobnega, ampak v tem primeru ne gre samo za priredbe,
pač pa gre za poklon enim izmed najbolših in najbolj vplivnih bendov
punk/hardcore preteklosti in Ensign so se vsekakor dobro odrezali.
I remember how amazed I was by Ensign ''self titled'' 7'' a
long, long time ago. Seems like after all these years they still
cling to the same style of music - energetic punk/hardcore or if
you prefer old school hardcore with driving tempos, good sense of
riffing/melody and perfect shouting manner. If I'm not mistaken
''Love the music, hate the kids'' is their fifth full-length album
but this time they did something really special. It's an album filled
with cover songs or better hardcore hymns Ensign played and were
inspired by through the past years of their existence. I was really
glad to hear ''Slave'' by Infest, ''No spiritual surrender'' by
Inside Out and also melodic Dwarves cover kick ass a lot even though
I never heard of them before. The rest of the covers are from Bad
Brains, Dag Nasty, Bad Religion, Descendents Verbal Assault, Discharge,
Negative Approach, Sick of it All, Killing Time, Misfits and Insted,
just to mention the bigest names out of choosen 20 songs. Actually,
most of the songs are cool and Ensign cover them just as great as
they were their own. Excellent cover-art was done by Michael Bukowski
and it fits perfectly with album title, while the inner side contains
words on each song and words about the whole idea for the album.
At first I thought it's about another hardcore trend since Evergreen
Terrace did something similar these days, but in this case it's
not just cover songs it's homage to some of the best and most influential
bands out of hardcore/punk scene and Ensign definietly did a good