ENGINE DOWN - ''A sign of breath e.p.'' MCD
Genere: emocore
: 7,5/10
Label: Day After Records
Year: 2001/2002
Length: 4 tracks 18:10 min
Link: Engine Down
Mp3: ''Second of February''
Favourite Tracks: ''Second of February''

Ne vem natančno kako bi najboljše opredelil to cool ameriško zasedbo saj nimam najbolj razjasnjenih pojmov, ko se znajdem v družbi nežnih bendov, ki jih nekateri označujejo kot emocore, drugi indie-emo, spet tretji emo-rock. Kdo bi vedel? Meni je pomembno, da bend iz vseh pogledov pritegne in Engine Down to znajo. Glasba je nežna, prijetna in deluje zelo iskreno in inteligentno, kar vsekakor zelo cenim. Tempo je počasen, igranje umirjeno, lepi clean rifi si lepo sledijo (tako pri bassu kot pri kitari) in lepo, svojevrstno petje je fantastično, tako da komadi kljub svoji dokaj dolgi dolžini nikakor ne postanejo dolgočasni. Prvi trije trajajo od 4 do skoraj 6 min in predstavljajo nov material, medtem ko bo komad ''Retone'' morda kdo prepoznal že iz njihove starejše plate ''To bury with the sound'' le da je tukaj remix verzija. Remix je krajši, ima slabšo zvočno kvaliteto in ni tako dober kot prvi trije. Res škoda da ni nobenih besedil, kar pa se tiče izgleda digi-packa naj povem, da je zelo minimalen in nima nič takega kar bi padlo v oči. Bolj mi je všeč notranjost, kjer je narisanih cel kup dlačic al nikaj v tem stilu. Zelo mi je všeč, da fantje ne sledijo današnjemu pocukranemu ''emo'' trendu pač pa režejo neko svojo pot in to prav do srca - iz srca. Moram nabavit zadnjo plato!

English Version:
I'm not exactly sure how to define this cool american band since I'm always confused when I appeared amids these softer type of bands that some people call emocore, other endie-emo, another emo-rock...who knows? For me it's important that the band attracts not just musically but from all the aspects and Engine Down surely do. Their music is tender, pleasant and works very sincere and intelligent, which I really appreciate. Everything it's played very calm, they use slow tempos but strew in one nice riff after another so notheing really gets too tedious in spite of their song lengths extending from 4 to 6 min. Besides that they have an excellent singer with beautiful unique singing and the rest of the members handle their instruments very good as well. Firs three songs represent their newer material and are a little bit longer not to say much better while the remaining forth song ''Retone'' could somebody recognized from their older output ''To bury with the sound'' with exception that this time it's a remix version. It's a shame they included no lyrics and as it concern layout it's very minimalistic white/soft-blue digi-pack where nothing really jumps in your eyes but I like the inner side with drawn short lines all over the place. It's really cool these guys don't follow contemporary sugar ''emo'' trend but rather carving their own way straight to the heart - from the heart. I have to get their new full-length right away!