LifeForce Records je prepoznavna po veliko dobrih lastnostih in
ena izmed njih so zagotovo ovitki albumov. Tale od End This Day
izgleda popolnoma fantastično...lepe rjave barve obogatene s podobami
črnih ptic, ter golih človeških teles. Si kar predstavljam kako
čudovita bi lahko bila digi-pack verzija tega albuma, če bi zgoščenka
izšla v letih ko je LifeForce še izdajal digi-packe. Ok, pustimo
sanje in se posvetimo raje End This Day. Fantje prihajajo iz zda
in so novo ime v moji kolekciji. Glasba ki jo igrajo je agresiven
a melodičen metalcore, ki še najbolj spominja na švedske melodic
death metal bende, le da imamo tu namesto metalskih solacij, hardcore
mosh dele in moč, ki bi jo pripisal buldožerju. Ubistvu glasba sama
precej spominja na Unearth z razliko, da imamo tu izrazitejše kričanje,
ki včasih preide v kruljenje in pa zvok, ki je bolj deathmetalski.
Skozi drveče komade, ki se raztezajo tja do 5, 6 minut naletimo
na obilo privlačnih kitarske melodij, nekaj akustike, ter dveh ištrumentalnih
komadov, od katerih je ''Pale'' prava mojstrovina skupaj skomponiranih
zvokov, ki pričarajo nek magičen trenutek v katerem se počutiš prijetno
in obenem nenavadno. Besedila se dotikajo tem kot so ekološko uničevanje,
izgubljena ljubezen/prijatelstvo, frustracije, zastrašujoč tehnološki
razvoj...še kar cool...zlasti njihov premišljen način pisanja, niso
pa mi vseč svete podobe s katerimi se pogosto srecujemo skozi besedila!
LifeForce Records is a label recognized by many good qualities and
one of them are for sure album lay-outs. This one I'm holding at
the moment looks totally fantastic...beautiful brown colours filled
with images of black birds and naked human bodies. I can imagine
how wounderfull could be the digi-pack version, if this came out
in the years when LifeForce still put out all their releases on
digi-packs. Ok, lets put the dreams aside for a while and rather
concentrate on End This Day. The guys are coming from usa and they're
a new name in my collection. Their music is agressive and melodic
metalcore, which reminds me a lot on swedish melodic deathmetal
bands, whit exception that we have here hardcore mosh pieces and
power I would assign to bulldozer, insted of metal solos. The music
actually sounds similar to Unearth, but the screaming part with
scarry growling moments totally overshadows the guy from Unearth
and there's major difference also in sound which's in this case
more deathmetalish. Through the driving songs which extend from
five to six minutes you come across planty of catchy melodies, some
acoustic work and there're two instrumental songs - one of them,
titled ''Pale'' is a true masterpiece of sounds which for me conjure
a real magical moment that makes me feel pleasant and unusually
at the same time. Awesome! With lyrics they're touching topics like
ecological devastation, lost love/friendship, frustration, intimidating
technological progress...pretty impressive, especially their thoughtful
style of writing, but I don't like all these sacred images I came
often across reading the texts!