ENDSTAND - ''Never fall into silence'' CD
Genere: hardcore
: 7,4/10
Label: Day After Records
Year: 2002
Length: 10 tracks - 30:56 min
Link: Endstand
Mp3: ''Dead flies off the window sill''
Favourite Tracks: ''I promise not to stay quiet'', ''Model citizen'', ''Do as they say'', ''Dead flies off the window sill'',...

Finski hardkorovci ponovno napadajo in tokrat močneje kot kdarkoli prej. Spominjam se legenarnega split 7'' z Outlast, ko so imeli še bolj new school hc zvok in spominjam se nenavadne izdaje full-length albuma na Impression rec, ki pa mi ni bil najbolj prepričljiv. Od takrat vem, da so izdali še neke druge plate in čeprav jih nisem nikoli slišal sem trdno prepričan, da je ''Never fall into silence'' njihov najboljši material do datuma. S to izdajo so me nekako presenetili, kajti Češka založba Day After navadno izdaja bolj emocore bende, kar pa Endstand niso, ampak ob poslušanju se mi hitro posveti čemu ta poteza. Glasba na tej zgoščenki je privlačen hardcore z old school okusom, ter močnim poudarkom na melodičnosti. Precej energična zadeva z niti prepočasnim, niti prehitrim tempom, ter krasnimi kitarskimi melodijami, ki se pojavljajo iz komada v komad. Fantje imajo brez dvoma smisel za pisanje komadov in mi včasih celo pride na misel kak švedski old school hc bend. Vokal stoji nekje med petjem in kričanjem, ter je narahlo distrorziran in odmevajoč. Meni osebno ni najbolj vseč in mislim, da bi bilo bolj primerno melodično petje ampak s tem bi verjetno izgubili hardcore ostrino, ki jo imajo sedaj. Ne vem, prepričan sem, da bi me z malo bolj deodelanim vokalom popolnoma prevzeli, glede na to, da mi je glasba in sploh vse ostalo na tej plati super. CD pride v lepem digi-packu v beli, rjavi in rdeči barvi in nosi na prednji strani podobo razsutega metulja. Minimalno a privlačno! V notranjosti so še črno/rjave fotografije od benda in prostora kjer tipi vadijo, ter besedila katerih predstavitev bi lahko bila boljša, čeprav so lepo berljiva in pa tudi lepo razumljiva. V njih opisujejo predvsem svojo jezo, neodobravanje in upor do stvari, ki se vrtijo okoli vseh nas in nam grenijo življenje. Dobra stvar, sicer jim čisto malo zmanjka, da se bi zaljubil (predvsem zaradi vokala) ampak fantje so z vsako plato boljši in naslednja bo sigurno korak naprej.

English Version:
Finnish Endstand striked again and this time stronger than ever. I remember their legendary split 7'' with Outlast when they used to have new school hc sound and latter curious full-length on Impression Records which wasn't really that convincing release. Since than I know they put out some other records and although I never heard them I'm pretty sure that ''Never fall into silence'' is their best material to the date. With this record they somehow surprised me by releasing it on Czech Day After Records which usually put out emocore releases (and I don't see Endstand as an emocore band), but after you start listening to these songs you soon get the point why they decided to release this one. Their music is catchy hardcore with old school hc feel and strong emphasis on melody. Very energetical stuff with neither too slow, neither too fast tempos and wonderful guitar melodies appearing from song to song. They definitely have a good sense for song writting and sometimes even some swedish old school hc bands come to my mind. Vocal stands between singing and screaming and it's slightly distorted with just a bit of echo. Personally I don't like it that much and I think melodic singing would be much more convenient but I guess this way they would lose hardcore inetensity they have now. I don't know, I'm sure that with a better vocal arrangement they would won me in no time since I really like the music and everything else about this record. CD comes in a beautiful digipack with just white, brown and red colour schemes and has an image of a shattered butterfly on a front cover. Minimal but attractive! Inside there're also some black'n'brown photos of the band and a room where they practice plus the lyrical presentation that could be better, although the lyrics are easy to read and also easy to understand. They're dealing with anger, disapproval and revolt towards the shit happening all around us and making our lives bitter. Good stuff! They haven't won me over 100% yet (mainly besause of the vocal part) but they are better with every release and I'm sure they will continue in this direction.


Finski hardcore bend, ki glasbeno spominja na old school HC bende vendar nima tistega tipičnega zvoka, ki značilen za old school. Melodično in zažigalno! Belgija 17/08/01, Ajdovščina 04/11/02