EMBERS - ''The birds fly again…'' MCD
Genere: metalcore
: 5,7/10
Label: Burning Season Records
Year: 2002
Length: 7 tracks - 20:39 min
Link: /
Mp3: ''Invented martyr''
Favourite Tracks: ''Emotions that slowly die''

Ponovna izdaja razprodanega mini-album, ki je tokrat izšel na mladi avstrijski založbi Burnig Season Records. Prejšnje verzije sicer nisem imel priložnosti preverit, tako da ne vem kakšne so prednosti te izdaje, sem pa videl ovitek in moram reči, da je tale vizualno privlačnejši, čeprav se tudi s tem ne bi ravno hvalil. Embers prihajajo iz Madžarske in nam tokrat prinašajo pet mosh metalcore komadov, ki jih tako prične, kot tudi zaključi mračen glasbeni insert. Glasba je bolj počasne sorte, čeprav ima skorajda vsak komad tudi svoje hitre a kratke trenutke in se ritemsko pogosto spreminja, ter ustavlja, kar pa deluje zelo netekoče in včasih skorajda moteče. Čeprav se ritmi pogosto spreminjajo, rifi ostajajo, ter se skozi komad včkrat ponavljajo, kar seveda ni priporočljivo, še posebaj ne, če so rifi pustobni in ne preveč privlačni. Veliko je tudi e-chord žagancije in pa težkih, ter agresivnih predelov, ki včasih spominjajo na prvi Heaven Shall Burn prvi album (''In battele ...''). Všeč sta mi predvsem umirjena predela v komadih ''Emotions that slowly die'' in ''The wound in my bleeding soul'', ki ju ustvari akustična kitara in ji sledi kaj drugega kot e-chord povdarjanje, manjše solacije in ostro kričanje, ki spremlja vse komade in se le včasih pojavi v obliki govorjenja. Postrežejo nam tudi z akustično skladbo, kot se seveda spodobi za metalcore bend v teh dneh. Pri ovitku so mi včeč temno-modre barve in pa mešanje besedil s koncertnimi fotografijami, niso pa mi všeč fonti, ki jih uporabkjajo pri svojem logu in pa drobni, težko berlivi besedilni tekst, da ne govorim o strani s thanks listo in informacijami, kjer je skorajda nemogoče kaj razbrati. Vsebina besedil je zadovoljiva, nimam pa istega mnenja o načinu, kako so besedila zapisana. Zajemajo osebni spopad s preteklostjo, jezo nad manupiliranjem/požrešnostjo vladajočih, ateizem, ter izoliranost/medseboljno oddaljevanje med ljudmi. Kljub temu, da sem plato dokaj skritiziral, moram reči, da za prvo izdajo vsekakor ni slabo (zaenkrat najboljša izdaja na Burning Season), ampak nažalost tu ni nič kar bi me pritegnilo in ostane tako le povprečen CD za katerega dvomim, da bo še kadj ležal v mojem playerju.

English Version:
This is a second press of the mini-album that has been sold out, but it's now available again through Austrian Burning Season Records. I never had a chance checking out it's first version so I can't really compare or talk about advantages but I saw the old lay-out and I must say this one is visually more attractive, though I wouldn't swanking neither. Embers are comming from Hungary and this time they brought us five mosh metalcore pieces, both started and ended with obscure musical insert. Music is kind of slow, although they have some brief fast moments in each song and there's a good portion of tempo changes with lots of stop offs and stuff, which of course cause unfluentness and sometimes even works distrbing. Although they're rhythmically very rich the riffs remain and often repet through the song which's not a good thing especially if the riffs are desolate and often tasteless. They throw in also planty of e-chord and some heavy and aggressive elements which, at some degree, brings Heaven Shall Burn's first MCD to my mind. I like those soothe moments appearing towards the end of ''Emotions that slowly die'' and ''The wound in my bleeding soul'' which are both started by accoustic guitar and proceeding by what else than e-chord emphasis, slim guitar solos and sharp screaming that accompany all the songs and turns into speaking only in some rare occasions. They also pop in with a short acoustic song like it's common for today's metalcore bands. About the lay-out I like the dark-blue colours arrangement and the blending of lyrics with concert photos but I don't like the fonts they used for the logo and the tiny, hard to read lyric texts, not to mention last page with thanks list and infos where you almost need a microscope to read something out. Lyrics content is satisfaying, though I don't lika how they're written down. They speak about their personal fight with the past, anger towards greedy manipulators and there're also some issues about atheism and isolation/disaffection amongst people. Though I criticized this one pretty badly I must say that, after all it's not that bad considering that it's their first release. It's probably best thing out on Burning Season Records but unfortunatelly it has nothing that would convinced me putting it one more time into my CD player.


Kar uredu metalcore bend iz Madžarske, ki je v Ajdovščini 05/01/02 kar dobro odigral svoj nastop...mosh, mosh, mosh...

Embers so pred kratkim izdali novo zgoščenko, ki jo sicer še nisem uspel preverit, ampak kar so pokazali v Vrhniki je bilo dosti bolj divje od vsega kar sem slišal pred tem. Odličen nastop! Vrhnika 09/05/2004