DISEMBODIED - ''Heretic'' CD

This album is out quite some time now, but it still seems that nobody has it! That's kind of strange because I'm sure they gained quite many fans around the globe in all these years. I don't know! These are the last songs they did before they broke up. It's hard to say that this is their best material because their music really didn't experienced much changes through their existence but I'm sure they put on this CD some of the best shit they have put together. The music is still in their traditional style - slow, heavy and destroying metal/hc with lot's of anger. The guitars are low tuned for a few tunes down so you can guess that there is not some special melodies but just distorted riffs. It's interesting that Disembodied not even once did any fast part in their songs. Everything is extremely slow or mid tempo. The vocal part on this album is a little more rough and heavier but it still kick ass. Their lyrics seems to me very depressive, and also negative at some points, but some of them are also atheistic which is certainly a good thing. But still, this lyrics seems very unattractive to me. Maybe that's also because of their ugly styled handwriting which caused me some problems with identification.
EDISON RECORDINGS, P.O. BOX 42586 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19101-2586 USA www.edisonrecordings.com