holandskega benda se spominjam še iz svojega zgodnjega odkrivanja
hardcora, ko mi je frend posodil svoj masiven Lost & Fournd
Records katalog. Tipe sicer nisem nikoli previril na svojem playerju,
tako da je to moje prvo pravo srečanje z njim, vendar sem vedno
mislil, da Discipline zvenijo bolj neprijazno in brutalno. No, ''Saints
& sinners'' dokazuje, da sem imel ves ta čas napačno predstavo.
Glasba na disku je drveč in melodičen punk, ki se sreča s punkorckom,
kateremu dodamo še malo hardcore vzdušja in dobimo, kot to sami
imenujejo, streetcore. Komadi so tako drveči, kot tudi srednje hitri
(ali pa mešanje obojega), prisotne so privlačne kitarske melodije,
bass linije, ki ne zrcalijo vedno kitar, refreni, itd. Stvar nikakor
ni pustobna in se celo naslanja na rock'n'roll vplive, kar je vsekakor
dobra stvar in daje glasbi dodatno barvitost. Vokalist uporablja
grob in hripav način petja za katerega nimam pripomb, čeprav bi
raje slišal melodično petje ampak, ok. Poslana mi je bila samo zgoščenka
tako, da nimam kaj napisat o ovitku in niti nebi vedel kaj se dogaja
na tekstovnem področju. Po naslovih komadov sluteč, se mi dozdeva,
da je vsebina besedil tipična za njihovo zvrst: težko živlenje,
zvestoba načinu življenja, ponos, prijatelstvo in podobno... Discipline
so se z glasbeno platjo tega albuma kar dobro izkazali in nimam
nobenih pripomb. Imam občutek, da je glasba narejena s srcem in
iskrenostjo! Če bi imel pred sabo celoten album z ovitkom in vsem,
bi verjetno dobili več točk!
I remember this Dutch band from the time of my early hardcore quest
when I borrowed a massive Lost & Found Records catalogue from
my colleague. I never really gave them a chance and putting them
into the player so it's my first time I actually hear them. And
I'm surprised! All these years I thought they play some violent
and brutal music but ''Saints & sinners'' proves me I was wrong.
They deliver with driving and melodic punk meets punkrock with just
a little bit of hardcore feel and you get something they call streetcore.
It's a blend of driving and midpaced rhythms curling alongside catchy
guitar melodies, bass lines that don't mirror the guitears constantly
and nice choruses. It doesn't sound blank at all and they even show
some rock'n'roll influences which's definitely a good thing and
supplies the music with some additional colours. Their vocalist
uses harsh and rough manner of shouting for which I don't have any
complaints, though I would rather hear melodic singing, but ok.
I received only CD tray so I have nothing to write about the layout
and I can't say what's going on in the contente department. Due
to the song titles it seems like they deal with typical issues for
the genre: hard life, loyalty to their believes/lifestyle, friendship
and so on...of course I might be wrong! Discipline proves me they
have a good sense of song writing and I have a feeling it's some
sincerity and heart therein too. They might got a better mark if
I had a complete album!