COREY - ''Sacroniente'' CD
Genere: grind/deathcore
: 7,8/10
Label: Heroine Records/ Massacro Records/ Dufresne Records
Year: 2003
Length: 33 tracks - 53:30 min
Link: Corey
Mp3: ''Hypocritical''
Favourite Tracks: ''Hypocritical'', ''Knowing it can't be true'', ''Tra di voi'', ''Without answer''

Italijanski grind/metalcore z nemškim zvokom! Očitno so fantje poslušali dosti nemške jeze in tako ustvarili nekja podobnega kot Systral s svojim prvencem ''Fever...the maximum carnage'', le da so Corey dodali še malce modernih metalcore/mosh vpliv, medtem ko ubijalso grind bobnanje in neustavljivo zjanje/ kričanje/ kruljenje poskrbi za glavobole. Glasba se maje med hitrim grindom in počasno deathcore apokalipso, včasih se celo pošalijo s kakim komadom, drugače pa ustvarjajo čisto jezo, ki ruši brez milosti. Kljub temu, da sem prej omenil nemške vplive se mi zdijo kar originalni in bi morda bilo primernejše če bi bi jih opisal kot zmes italijansko-nemške brutalnosti. Besedila so tako v angleškem kot tudi italijanskem jeziku in so mi kar vseč. Z njimi izražajo svojo sovraštvo, jezo, razmišljanja do druže v katero so postavljeni ali pa do samega sebe. Vsekakor, tipi se ne trudijo biti prijazni. Ovitek izgleda precej fino čeprav ima vse tisto kar danes pogosto uporabljajo harcore bendi (zuželke, žeblji, kri,...). Zgoščenka je izšla na treh založbah in prav je tako, kajti Corey si vsekakor zaslužijo pozornost sirše množice!

English Version:
Italian grind/metalcore with a german sound! Obviously these guys spent too much time listening to pissed off geman bands and therefore created something pretty similar to Systral's debut ''Fever...the maximum carnage'' with addition of modern metalcore/mosh influences, while the killer-grind drumming and unstoppable shouting/screaming/growling vocals are succesfully increasing your headache. Music goes from fast grindcore to slow deathcore apocalypse, sometimes they even sorprise with some funny track but otherwise this's a pure rage that destroys without mercy. Although I mentioned german influences few sentences back I still consider Corey as pretty original band and therefore it might be better if I describe them as a mix of italian and german brutality. Half of the lyrics are italian, half english and since I don't speak one of the two languages I like only english ones. Most of them express their hate, anger and reflection towards society or themselves. In any case, the're not trying being nice guys. The layout looks cool although it has all the common images (insects, nails, blood,...) found in today's hardcore scene. This one was released on three different labels and that's a good thing couse Corey definitely deserves attention of larger audience.