tale split je bilo najprej planirano naj bi izšel na 7'' formatu
ampak so zaradi nekaterih problemov komadi v zaključni fazi končali
na zgoščenki, kar mi je po eni strani še bolj všeč. Tovor ki ga
nosi disk traja le nekaj čez 10 minut, kar ni dosti, čeprav zadostuje,
da dobimo nekakšno okvirno predstavo o bendih, ki jih ta kratki
čas ponuja. Kljub temu, da stvar deluje bolj kot nekaj za pokušino
mi je split popolnoma fantastičen in sem vesel, da si tako strastna
benda kot sta Nikad in Children of Fall, delita isti kos plastike.
Stvar prične hrvaški trio Nikad s svojo verzijo kričečega emocora,
ki istočasno učinkuje živahno in otožno ter nudi tako melodične
kot tudi kaotične predele. Struktura komadov je lepo razburkana,
povrht tega pa se še lepo sliši vse inštrumente, vklučno z vokalnim
delom, ki meša dvojno kričanje s petjem. Obe besedi sta v obliki
krajših misli, ki jih zružuje nekaj par besed. Čudovito! Vsekakor
bom moral preveriti tudi njihov 12''! Švedski del zgošcenke nosi
malo bolj zamazan zvok, ki je bil prisoten tudi pri prejšnih izdajah
Children of Fall in ravno tako kot Nikad ponujajo 2 komada od katerih
je eden srednje, drugi rušilne hitrosti. Prvega združujejo rahle
melodije, kratek akustični prehod, dobri preobrati in kričeče govoreči
vokal, medtem ko je drugi podivjan in uničujoč vse do nenavadnega
zaključka. Zadnjega obožujem! Besedila so, kot je že v njihovi navadi,
inteligentna, čeprav tokrat bolj pesimistične narave z opisovanjem
grenkobe in obupa nad tem krutim svetom...''We're dying , but that's
old news and it won't sell any magazines I'm trying to fight off
the despair, but it's hard when it could easily have been me And
than no one speaks a word about it, only adds to the tragedy We
don't die by our own hands, but by our bitterness...'' Split ne
bi mogel imeti bolj primernega ovitka...ta je narejen iz kosa recikliranega
papirja v črno-rjavi tehniki in nosi dobro očrnelo fotografijo na
uvodni strani. Zelo lepo, ampak ne samo ovitek, pač pa vse skupaj,
pa še čenovno znaša le 800 sit, tako da si stvar kar nabavite, če
se vam ponudi priložnost!
This one should came out on a 7'' format but it looks like there
were some problems and it all ended on a MCD, which I think it's
even better. The load this disc carry takes only a bit more than
10 minutes which is not much, but enough to get a quick picture
about the bands this short time has to offer. Although all together
works like something on approval I think it's a fantastic split
and I'm glad these two passionate bands found each other and now
sharing the same piece of plastc. Things start out with Nikad, a
Croation trio playing their version of screaming emocore with a
sound that has vivacious and melancholic feel at the same time and
delivers as melodic as also chaotic elements. Song structures are
nicely stirred up and besides that you can hear all the instruments
at the right place, including the vocal part blending dual screaming
with singing. Both lyrics are written in the form of short thoughts
joined together by just a few words. Nice! I definitely have to
check out their 12''! Swedish part of the disc possess a little
bit stained sound (like in the case of previous Children of Fall
releases) and just like Nikad they dish up two songs, one midpaced,
one of blasting speed. First is composed of slight melodies, brief
acoustic passage, good breakdowns and screaming/talking vocal manners
while the following is a totally wild and devastating song closing
up with unusual end. I love the the second one! Lyrics are inteligent
like always with Children of Fall but this time they're more of
pessimistic nature, dealing with bitterness and despair towards
this ruthless world...''We're dying , but that's old news and it
won't sell any magazines I'm trying to fight off the despair, but
it's hard when it could easily have been me And than no one speaks
a word about it, only adds to the tragedy We don't die by our own
hands, but by our bitterness...'' Split couldn't have more convenient
package...a piece of recycled paper in black'n'brown technique wearing
a cool dimed photography on the front cover. Very, very nice, but
not just the layout, whole record kick ass and it has a cheap price
too, so don't hesitate if you have a chance buying it!