hardcore 'šampioni' s svojim zadnjim izdelkom, ki ubistvu druži
komade dveh E.P.-jev ''Come Out Swinging'' in ''Count Our Numbers''.
Skupno 13 komadov hitrega in jeznega old school hardcora, ki bo
marsikomu prebudil spomine na Chain of Strenght, Trial in podobne
nekoč popularne bende. Fantje gradijo svojo glasbo na drvečem tempu,
kitarskih melodijah in več-vokalnih izpadih, vse skupaj pa začinijo
s pozitivnimi teksti, ki so sicer dobro napisani, a že stokrat prej
slišani. ''...we stood side by side and nothing else mattered/ We
were straightedge and at least I still am/ Did you forget about
what we said?/ Or did it just not mean as much?...''. Dokaj neoriginalno
in nikoli moj tip hardcora, ampak še vedno poslušljivo, zlasti za
posi-hardcore navdušence. Skozi zgoščenko naletiš še na odličen
''Is anybody there'' od Alone in a Crawd in pa ''One to two'' od
Dag Nasty, omeniti pa moram tudi ovitek, ki je naravnost čudovit.
Metalno-modra na beli in črni barvi, žive fotografije, vse lepo
postavljeno in urejeno...tip ovitka, ki bi ga hotel imeti vsak hardcore
bend. Toliko o tem. Kot sem že prej omenil, nič novega, ampak še
vedno na nivoju. (24/04/2004)
American hardcore 'champions' with their new output which's
not really that new since it only contains songs from two E.P.s
''Come Out Swinging'' and ''Count Our Numbers''. All in all 13 tracks
of fast and raging old school hardcore similar to Chain of Strength,
Trial and alike once popular bands. Music is bulit on driving tempos,
guitar melodies and strong back-ups while they cling to positive
lyrics. Those are good written but don't really bring anything new...
''...we stood side by side and nothing else mattered/ We were straightedge
and at least I still am/ Did you forget about what we said?/ Or
did it just not mean as much?...''. Quite unoriginal actually and
never my type of hardcore, but still decent, especially for the
lovers of classic hardcore. I like Alone in a Crawd cover song ''Is
anybody there'' way more than their second cover ''One to two''
by Dag Nasty but I like even more record's lay-out. Metallic-blue,
white and black colours, vivid band photos, everything perfectly
arranged and all...something every hardcore band dream about. Thta's
about it. Like I said before, nothing new here but stil decent.