IN - ''Jupiter'' CD
is probably a disappointment for metal kids but a great surprise for
emo kids. I don't really care! I was shocked too - even that I expected
something in this vein! With their first song I got the impression
that I did a big mistake when I bought this CD. It sucked! But when
I took some time and start to listen it, it turned out that this is
not so bad after all. It's something totally different - something
new! From all this weird riffs Cave in can do something totally beautiful.
Amazing! I could label their style something like ''space-emo-rock''.
Songs are about 5 or 6 min. long but they are full of nice melodies
so you cant be bored. Especially when you're writing your homework
or when you're just lying on your bed with your mind somewhere else,
this music totally fits. I'm totally confused about the lyrics. I
hate this handwriting style!!! It's so difficult for me to find out
what's written here and if I succeed with identification then I soon
stop on another obstacle - I don't have a clue what they are talking
about. This album can't compete with their masterpiece ''Beyond hypothermia''
but it's for sure better than their other albums!
HYDRA HEAD RECORDS, P.O. BOX 990248, BOSTON, MA 02199 USA hydramail@aol.com
www.hydrahead.com |