je že kar nekaj časa od dneva, ko so Botch oznanili svoj razid,
tako da, je bil tale mini še toliko večje presenečenje, ki se je
pojavilo od nikoder. Kdo bi si mislil, da bodo fantje pustili za
sabo še pet (+ intro) poslednjih komadov? Glasbeno nadaljujejo,
kjer so končali z odličnim albumom ''We're the Romans'' in razen
komada ''Afghamistam'', ni prišlo do kakšnjih večjih sprememb. Ostajajo
pri svojem patentiranim pisanju komadov z nenavadno razmetanim igranjem,
nesoglasnimi rifi, ter lomljivimi ritmi...seveda napravljeno po
receptu, ki ga lahko obvladjo samo talentirani glasbeniki. Komplicirano
in polno presenečenj od začetka do konca! Vokal ostaja učinkovit
kot vedno…gorobo kricanje z malce distorzije. Najbolj me je presenetil
čudoviti ''Afghamistam'', ki traja 7 minut in ga sestavlja prelepo
umirjeno igranje z nežnim petjem, ki se jima proti koncu pridružita
še klavir in mislim da viola. Fantastičen komad! Nenavaden je tudi
zadnji komad ''Micharagua'', ki se prične s skoraj 2 min dolgim
bobenskim solom in mu sledi težko, ponavljajoče se nažiganje, ki
še najbolj spominja na kak industrial-metal bend. Precej nezanimiv
zaključek, ce mene vprašate. Ovitek je navzven precej neobicajen...
prikazuje zimsko pokrajinsko sliko z gorovjem in podobno je tudi
znotraj, le da je tu vse v modro-belih kombinacijah in izgleda še
lepše. Besedila so osebna in globoka...sicer ne najdem nobene povezave
z naslovi komadov, ter njihovo vsebino in se mi niti sanja ne zakaj
so v vseh naslovih (Spaim, Japam, Framce, Vietmam,...) zamenjali
črko ''n'' z ''m'' in niti ne zakaj so izbrali takšne naslove? Kljub
temu, so mi kar všeč... ''You'll take the ride to leave this
town along that yellow line/ You'll find a life on the outside/
You can't deny the walks too long, you'll get there in half the
time/ if you take a seat on the shotgun site...'' Všeč so mi
tudi krajše razlage, ki so jih vkljičili poleg besedil! ''An anthology
of dead ends'' je vsekako prepričljiv MCD in imam občutek, da sem
trenutno bolj v Botch glasbi kot kdarkoli prej, kar pove tudi to,
da sem po dolgem času obrisal prah tudi iz njihove prejšne plate,
ki sem jo zgoraj omenil. Želim si, da bi imeli v rokavu še kakšno
Quite some time passed by since Botch declared it quit, so it was
more than a plasent surprise when this mini appeared out of nowhere.
Who thought the guys will leave behind their five final songs (+intro)?
Musically they continue where they stopped with their great full-length
''We are the Romans'' and except for the ''Afghamistam'' I can't
really talk about changes. They keep on with their patented song
writing which's full of unusual massy playing like dissonant chord
preogressions and twisted rhythms, all very complex and full of
surprises...of course, everything done by talented and experienced
artists! Vocalist is as always effective, using harsh screaming
with just a little bit of distortion. My favourite is 7 min long
beauty ''Afghamistam'' composed by wonderful calm playing, tender
singing and some piano and viola (not totally sure) addition towards
the end. Brilliant! Exceptional is also ''Micharague'' which begins
with almost 2 min long drum solo and than burst into some heavy,
repetitive torture reminding me on some industrial-metal outfit.
If you ask me that's a pretty uninteresting close up. Layout is
very... hmm... different. Winter mountain landscape on the frontside
as well as inside with exception that inside it's all in blue'n'white
combination and looks even more amazing. Lyrics are personal and
deep...I can't really link their content with song titles and I
have no idea why the used letter ''m'' insted of ''n'' in every
singe song title (Spaim, Japam, Framce, Vietmam,...), not to mention
why choosing that kind of titles? Anyway, I pretty like what they
have to say... ''You'll take the ride to leave this town along
that yellow line/ You'll find a life on the outside/ You can't deny
the walks too long, you'll get there in half the time/ if you take
a seat on the shotgun site...'' I also like addition of these
brief explenations almost every song poessess! ''An anthology of
dead ends'' is definitely a convincing MCD and I have a feeling
like I was never more into Botch music than I'm now. I wish they
would have another surprise up their sleeve!