Blue Bloods prihajajo iz Bostona in igrajo privlačen street-core
ali če hočete punkrock z malce grobjim petjem. Vsega skupaj 18 drvečih
komadov z dobrimi, že malce oguljenimi melodičnimi rifi ter backvokali
v stilu ''Woo-o-o woo-o-o'', ki poskrbijo za dobro vzdušje. Fantje
imajo kar nekaj hitov in sploh glasba pade hitro v uho, če pa bi
jih pa že moral primerjati bi mi prišli na misel kakšni Slapshot
ali Bad Religion. Z besedili se dotikajo vsakodnevnih pripetljajev,
ne/prijateljstva, nepozabnih spominov, itd...nič kaj posebnega.
Poslušanje vseh 18-ih komadov zna postati malce enolično ampak drugače
je tole kar uredu CD-jček!
The Blue Bloods are coming from Boston and they play pretty
catchy street-core or if you want it punkrock with a bit rough singing
manner. All together 18 driving songs with good yet shabby melodic
riffing and ''Woo-o-o woo-o-o'' type back-ups that definitely have
a big role in providing good atmosphere. They have some real hits
inhere and the music jumps quickly into your ears...if I would have
to compare them I would named Slapshot or Bad Religion without thinking
too long. With lyrics they touch everday problems, un/friendship,
never-to-be-forgotten memories and so on...nothing too exciting.
Going through all 18 pieces at once could be a little monotonous
but otherwise this is a pretty cool CD.