pa je povsem nekaj drugega kot sem pričakoval. Bend prihaja iz Bostona,
za sabo ima že kar nekaj plošč, med drugim tudi izdaje na Victory
Records, ki pa jih, tako kot druge, nisem nikoli čekiral, čeprav
mi je sedaj malce žal. Plošča je namreč presenetljivo privlačna
in kar izžareva energijo in melodičnost, brez da se bi pri tem odrekli
grobosti in jezi, po kateri so bili vedno znani. Na eni strani tough-guy
hardcore z grobim vpitjem ala Sheer Terror, Slapshot, itd, na drugi
prijeten punkrock s sladkim petjem, vse lepo premešano. Za rezultat
dobimo prave hardcore himne, ki gredo hitro v uho in si takoj začneš
prepevati njihove tekste o težkem in krutem življenju tamkajšnjih
ulic. Odlično narejeni komadi, kjer se enkrat nagibajo v agresivnost,
drugič v melodičnost, medtem ko vse ostalo ostaja hitro in močno.
Zaigrajo tudi priredbo odličnega komada Del Shannona ''Runaway'',
ki ni ravno tako super kot v originalu, ampak drugače so mi vsi
komadi dobri. Ni kaj, fantje delajo nekaj svojega in prav to je
tisto kar jim daje status enega boljših bendov tovrstnega žanra.
Aja, na zgoščenki je priloženih še kup fotografij in 20 min videa,
ki pa meni na žalost ne dela. Kratko, a dobro! (30/05/2004)
This's something completely different as I have expected. They're
from Boston and have out quite some releases by now, incuding records
on Victory Records, but somehow I never checked them out so now
I feel a little regret while I'm listening to this. Their music
is so damn catchy and it radiate energy and melodiousnes without
a single attempt of excluding roughness and anger for which they
were always known. So, we have tough-guy hardcore with rough shouting
ala Sheer Terror, Slapshot, etc. on one side and sweet singing catchy
punkrock on the other, all perfectly blended. As a result we get
true hardcore anthems which quickly stick into your ears and meke
you sing about hard and cruel life in the streets. Perfectly arranged
songs where once they strike with aggressiveness next time with
melodiousness while everything else remains fast and tight. They
play a cover for a great song by Del Shannona ''Runaway'' which's
not as great as the original but otherise I like one song after
another. What can I say, they're doing something of their own and
that's how they gain mark of one of the best in this genre. CD comes
attached with whole bunch of band photos and 20 min of video footage
which unfotunately I can's play on my computer. Short, but good!