BACKFIRE! - Change the game'' CD
Genere: old school/new school hardcore
: 7/10
Label: I Scream Records
Year: 2003
Length: 11 tracks - 25:40 min
Link: /
Mp3: ''Can't hold me down''
Favourite Tracks: ''Nothing left to prove''

Za tale nizozemski bend sem že večkrat slišal a kljub temu, da bend deluje že od leta 94 in so do danes posneli že en kup plošč je ''Change the game'' moja prva izkušnja z Backfire!. Tipi igrajo hardcore, ki meša staro in novo šolo, ter me spominjajo na tovrstne bende, ki so se pred leti zadrževali na Victory in pa Lost'n'Found Records, kjer so Backfire! v svoji preteklosti že nekaj izdali. Glasba je energično-drveča, občasno melodična in preprosta, kjer se tu pa tam pojavijo malce bolj metalizirana počasnjša območja in se oglašajo močni backvokali. Vokalist uporablja močno vpitje, nekateri pa boste poleg njega morda prepoznali še glas Freddy-ja iz Madball in Billy-ja iz Biohazard, ki sta se na tej plati pojavila kot special gosta. Ovitek ima oldschoolerski izgled z gorečimi igralnimi kockami na prednji strani ter koncertnimi fotkami v podlagi besedil znotraj. Besedila so tipična za njihov stil...bodi močan, prijatelstvo, vera v samega sebe, upanje, hardcore,... Plata ni slaba in sem prepričan, da bi jo pred leti pogosto nažigal, ampak danes mi ne pomeni dosti več od enkratnega poslušanja.

English Version:
This Dutch group started their hardcore journey back in 94 and since than released whole bunch of records yet somehow I missed all of them so ''Change the game'' is my first real experience with Backfire!. They do hardcore where you will find influences both from old school and new school hardcore and if you were ever into Victory and Lost'n'Found bands from 6 years ago or even more than there're big chances Backfire! will refresh your long forgoten memories. They actually released some stuff on both mentioned labels. Anyway, music is energy-driving, moderate and sometimes melodic, whith a bit metallic and slower interferes where strong backup shouts usually pop out. Besides strong vocalist's shouting some might recognize also voice of Fraddy (Madball) and Billy (Biohazard) as they appeared on this record as special guests. The layout has somehow oldschoolish appearance with two burning ivories on the front cover and concert photos behind the lyrics inside. Lyrics are typical for the strong, can't hold me down, friendship, believing in yourself, hope, hardcore, etc... All in all not bad and I'm sure years ago I would play this frequently but today it's nothing more than ''one time listening''.