sem prebral, da je ovitek na tem albumu delo Seana Taggarta, hardcore
umetnika, ki je poznan po Agnostic Front, Crumbsuckers in Carnivore
ovitkih. To naj bi bil njegov edini Punk ovitek v desetih letih
in izgleda, da so fantje zelo ponosni kar se tega tiče. No ja, vsak
ima svoj okus, mene npr., bi bilo sram takega ovitka. Izgled je
popolnoma beden in otročji in res ne vem s čim se je Sean ukvarjal
vsa ta leta? Brez dvoma ovitek, ki lahko odvrne še tako potencialnega
kupca. Kar se tice glasbe, igrajo enostaven in surov punk/hardcore
s hitrimi in srednje hitri ritmi, ki včasih preidejo v temna, počasna
območja distorziranega bass brenčanja ali pa v bolj melodicno smer
kjer izstopajo backvokali in tu pa tam kakšna kratka kitarska solacija.
Glasba sama je ok, ampak vokal totalno pokvari vzdušje in otežuje
poslušanje. Tip uporablja monotono, grobo in neprijazno godrnjanje,
ki zana biti komu vseč, ampak mene že v prvi minuti poslišanja odbije.
Se mi zdi, da igrajo Sheer Terror podobno glasbo, ampak ne me vzet
za besedo. Besedila so zelo gosta in obširna, se rimajo, ter opisujejo
njihov pogled na družbo, vsakdanje živlenje, ter vso pokvarjenost,
ki jo le ti proizvajata. Niti slabo, niti dobro. Jaz vidim Awkward
Thought kot bend, ki je glasbeno zasidran nekje v preteklosti (desetletje
nazaj), kar pomeni, da ne boste našli tu nič novega, vendar imam
občutek, da so fantje (bend obstaja že vec kot 10 let, tako da ne
vem če je ''fantje'' najbolj primerna beseda?) s tem albumom dosegli
vse tisto, kar so nameravali.
I read somewhere that the cover for this record was drawn by Sean
Tagget, an hardcore artist known for his past record covers for
Agnostic Front, Crumbsuckers and Carnivore. It was also mentioned
it's his first Punk cover he has done in over ten years and it seems
like these guys here are very proud having such an honour. Well,
everyone has a taste of his own. For example, I would be shamed
of having such a terrible layout. Front cover is totally silly and
childish and I really don't know what was Sean doing all these years?
Certainly an unpleasant thing that could avert a potential costumer.
As it concern music, it's plain and rugged punk/hardcore with fast
and midtempo rhythms, which sometimes lead into obscure regions
of distorted bass drones or slightly more melodic directions adorned
with backvocals and some rare guitar solos here and there. The music
alone is ok, but the vocal totally destroys the atmosphere and making
this songs hard to listen. It's monotonous, rough and sounds like
unfriendly grumbling, which might be cool to somebody but not for makes me decline in the first few minutes. I think Sheer
Terror play similar music but I might be wrong. Lyrics are very
dense and extensive, they rhyme and express their views on society,
everyday life and all the fucked up things produced by both. Not
bad, not good either. I see Awkward Thought as a band musically
casted somewhere back in the past (mid 90's), but they probably
didn't intended to achieve something more original in the first
place so, who cares. They've been around for more than ten years
and I'm the last person they want to hear that this's not good enough.
Anyway, you won't find here anything new!