verzija zadnje zgoščenke tega odličnega ameriškega hardcore benda,
ki sliši na ime As Friends Rust. Album je prvotno izšel na ameriški
založbi Equal Vision a izgleda, da imajo sedaj svojo podružnico
tudi v Evropi in to je nemška založba Defiance Records, kjer so
zainteresirani bolj za ''emocore''. Temu bendu se ne vem zakaj,
sicer nisem nikoli posvečal, vendar pa, se mi zdi, da so nekoč igrali
bolj hitro in nikakor ne tako pop obarvano glasbo, kot je sedaj.
Najboljša oznaka za njihovo glasbo bi bila ''emocore'', le da tega
delajo po svojem receptu! Zvenijo melodično, spevno, energično,
tekoče in kot sem že prej povedal originalno, kar mi je pa še posebej
všeč pri tem bendu so besedila, ki so zapisana premišljeno, inteligentno
in zabavno! Zgoščenka prične s posmehljivo naslovljenim komadom
''More than music, it's a hairstyle'', ki ga krasi odlično melodično
petje in je kot nalašč za vse tiste ki radi prepevate ob komadih.
Tekstovno je namenjen tistim, ki se sprašujete, kaj se je zgodilo
z dobrimi zlatimi časi in njihov odgovor je ''...how is this time
different from the last time, if the last time was different from
the time before...''. Nekje sem prebral, da dobrih zlatih časov
sploh ni nikoli bilo, saj je bila vedno prisotna korupcija, rasizem
in posilstva. V drugem komadu ''Most americanist'' govorijo o nacionalizmu/patriotizmu
in tekst odlično zaključijo z besedami ''...Wear your fleg like
a badge, like it matters. You just happened to be born here.'' V
tem komadu se srečamo z globokim petjem, ki skorajda zveni kot v
kakem pop-metal bendu, kar pa izpade zelo dobro. V ''Temporary living''
pevec razen grobega melodičnega petja uporablja način, kjer dobesedno
pljuva besede in to obvlada zelo hitro...kar uredu, še bolj pa mi
je všeč metalska solacija, ki se vključi nekje proti koncu komada.
Besedilo opisuje moderen način življenja in se tolaži, da gre le
za začasnost. V komadu ''Born with a sliver spoon up your ass''
lahko že iz naslova razberete temo. ''Up and went'' traja le 45
sekund in je balada s klavirjem, ter akustično kitaro in govori
o nesrečnem razmerju. V zadnjem komadu ''Where the wild things were'',
govori avtor o svojih napakah iz preteklosti, za katere je že prepozno
da bi jih popravil. Zanimiva glasba, lep ovitek, super besedila...kaj
bi želeli več? Nekje sem prebral, da so na tem albumom zadnji komadi,
ki so nastali v družbi Damiena - vokalista, ki je bil z njimi že
od samega začetka, ter, da so sedaj popolnoma drugačen bend, ki
nosi drugačno ime.
European version of As Friends Rust latest album originally released
on Equal Vision Records but thanx to german Defiance Records available
also for european market. It looks like Defiance Records is some
kind of european branch for Equal Vision. I never really devoted
my attention to As Friends Rust, but something tells me they used
to sound faster and not so popy as they sound now. Anayway, the
best mark for their style of playing would still be ''emocore''
but, it's done in their unique way. It's melodic, sweet, energic,
flowing and like I said before original, but what I like the most
are their thoughtful, inteligent and funny lyrics. Cd opnes with
ironically titled song ''More than music, it's a hairstyle'' adorned
with beautiful melodic singing, perfect for those who like to singalong.
This one goes for all of you who keep asking questions like what
happend to the good old days and their answer is ''...how is this
time different from the last time, if the last time was different
from the time before...''. I found similar thinking in one of the
Henry Rollins books where he wrote: '' There was no ''golden era''
of anything, no such things as the ''good old days'' because even
then there was racism, rape and corruption everywhere.'' Their second
song is about nationalizm/patriotism and its perfect ending goes
like: ''...Wear your fleg like a badge, like it matters. You just
happened to be born here.'' In this song we meet with deep singing
which sounds close to some pop-metal bands, but it works out fine.
In ''Temporary living'' their singer besides rough melodic singing
uses also a singing manner where he sounds like he's spitting words
out of his mounths very fast...pretty cool, but not better than
the heavy-metal guitar solo which appears somewhere at the end of
the song. Lyric speaks about modern way of living and has an optimistic
solace that it's just temporary. In ''Born with a sliver spoon up
your ass'' you can figure out the message right from it's title.
Their fifth song least only 45 seconds and it's a ballad played
only with piano and acoustic guitar. It's about unhappy relationship.
Their last song ''Where the wild things were'' speaks about unchangable
mistakes done in the past. Interesting music, nice layout and great
lyrics...what do you want more? I read somewhere, these are the
last few songs done with Damien - their singer, who was in the band
from the first start. I also heard they changed their style and
band name!