ARSEN . AKA KONIG DER MONSTER - ''No gods...only monsters'' LP
Genre: dark/chaotic hardcore
Label: Narshardaa Records I Unsociable
Year: 2003
Length: 7 tracks - approximately 22:20 min
Link: Arsen . aka Konig Der Monster
''Rituale aka. machopisser stirb''
Favourite Track: ''Ritale aka. machopisser stirb''

V recenziji prvenca ''Black Sunday'' sem zapisal, da je bend na pravi poti, da ustvari nekaj odličnega in ''No gods...only monsters'' je prav tisto kar sem takrat imel v mislih. V teh sedmih komadih prinašajo še več teme in groze, medtem ko se njihova glasba ni bistveno spremenila in nosi še vedno tisti prpoznaven kanadski zvok ala Union of Uranus. Zvenijo precej pogubno in melanholično s strašnim distorziranim kričanjem v nemškem jeziku, istočasno pa je tu še obilo energije, ter melodična in emocionalna plat. Kot da bi screamo bend, gradil svojo glasbo na najboolj mračnih melodijah. Tipi znajo narediti glasbo peklensko, brez da se bi pri tem posluževali hude metaliziranosti. Kar pa dela tale bend še toliko bolj fantastičen, so njihova besedila, ki so sicer v nemščini a so se lepo potrudili tudi z angleškimi prevodi, pa še celotno stvar dodatno razložili. V svojih uvodnih besedah so zapisali ''We only watch instead of acting in ona way or another! We are rather being entertained than to set something on fire by ourselves! We rather swollow ideas without asking what they could mean to us! That's why we don't really expect that there will be any attempts of communication about this. But nevertheless we still hope for it! This is nothing to just swallow or to follow - silently agreeing. Ask, criticize and set some life on fire!'' in prav to je rdeča nit tekstov...močno razočaranje nad potekom stvari okoli nas z večno kapljico upanja. Ovitek ne bi mogel biti bolj apokaliptičen...ves črn z obrisi ostankov kar je bilo nekoč mesto. Zakon! Ne samo ovitek, ampak celoten izdelek. Trenutno eden boljših nemških bendov!

ARSEN . AKA KONIG DER MONSTER - ''Black Sunday'' 7''
Genere: dark/chaotic hardcore
: 6/10
Label: React With Protest
Year: 2002
Length: 5 tracks - approximately 10:40 min
Link: Arsen aka Konig der Monster
Mp3: ''Verdammte scheisse (Damn shit)''
Favourite Tracks: ''Wir haben es ja versucht. (At least we have tried it.)''

Arsen aka Konig der Monster je nov nemški bend, katerih glasba je kaotičen in mračen hardcore, kjer seveda ne manjka metalnih vplivov in niti ne kričanja. Na flajerju, ki je napovedoval izid te plošče so bili označeni kot ''Canadian wallso of suicide, not unlike Uranus, Acrid or Eye God Prophecy...'' in mislim, da so Arsen res nekje v tej smeri, čeprav jih z Acrid ne bi ravno primerjal. Prvi komad začne zelo obetavno s svojimi težkimi in močnimi prijemi, ter norimi kriki vokalista, ampak stvar se hitro spremeni in že so tu hitri predeli z nepričakovanim melodičnim pridihom. Melodičnost me še bolj zmede v naslednjem komadu, kjer se ji pridružijo še enostavni, lahko bi rekel ''punkerski'' ritmi, ki pa se na srečo razgibijo v drvečem neredu in neusmiljenih krikih. Stvar mi deluje kot kak ''scremo'' bend, ki deluje po temačni in metalski formuli. Stran B nosi tri komade, ki so malo hitrejši, krajši in se ne zatekajo v melodične predele, kot na prejšni strani, kar je vsekakor cool. Občutek imam, da bend še ni dobil pravega zagona, ampak tipi so na dobri poti. Če bi melodične vložke zamenjali s kakšnimi boleče počasnimi brutal predeli, ne bi bila slaba ideja! Ovitek se popolnoma ujema z glasbo in ima kaj drugega kot temačen in apokaliptičen izgled. Besedila so vsa v nemščini ampak je priložena tudi angleška različica. Vsa so osebna in zapisana v par vrsticah, ter mi je všeč kako preprosto in na kratko povejo svoje mnenje o stvareh, ki jih motijo. 7'' za njihovo prvo izdajo vsekakor ni slab in menim, da zna biti njihova naslednja plata velika reč. Pustimo se presenetit!

English Version:
Arsen aka Konig der Monster is a new band out of Germany playing some kind of chaotic and obscure hardcore without excluding metal influences and neither screaming vocals. On the flayer that announced this releases they were described as ''Canadian wallso of suicide, not unlike Uranus, Acrid or Eye God Prophecy...'' and I think they really are somewhere in that direction, though I wouldn't really put them in the same line as Acrid. First song strats out very promising with it's heavy and forceful stirred up riffing, but things quickly turn into faster tempos where unexpected melodic touch appears. Melodiousness confuse me even more in the next song where they throw in some plain, alomst ''punk'' rhythms which are fortunately lost ahead in the driving mess of chord progressions and frantic screaming. If you ask me they sound like some ''scremo'' hardcore band using somber and metallic formula. B side has three tracks which are a bit more faster, shorter and never recourse into melodiousness as in the case of other side songs, which is cool. I have a feeling like Arsen still haven't find the right ignation for their songwriting but they're definitely on their right way. Gettin rid of melodiousness and putting there some painful, slow, and brutal pieces insted, would be a good idea! Layout goes perfect with the music and has what else than dark and apocalyptic appereance. Lyrics are all german but they added also eglish variety. They're all personal, written in just a few lines and I like how simply and shortly they wrote down their views on things that bothers them. For their first release it's certainly not bad and I believe their next records might be some really great shit...