imam hardcore bend iz New Jerseya katerih glasbo ni najlažje opredeliti
saj mešajo čudovite melodične ''emo'' predele, ki jih običajno krasi
fantastično petje, s težkimi metalcore območji, ki so bolj počasne
narave in ne najbolj tekoči. Tu so tudi predeli, ki spominjajo na
današnje bolj melodične nu-metal bende ali pa bolj rokerske sestavine
kot v komadu ''No tuch to the feelings'', ki se popolnoma razlikuje
od ostalih, ampak ne da bi pri tem deloval čudno oz. neskladno.
V komadu '' If anything'' se celo srečamo z manjšimi rap vplivi
(ala Body Count), kratek komad ''Eulogy'' pa je popolnoma akustičen
s pojavi tolkal v ozadju. Zanimivo je, kake se komadi med seboj
razlikujejo in ima vsak zase nek svoj prepoznaven elemet, medtem
ko skorajda nobeden komad ne preseže treh minut, kar vsekakor dobro
vpliva na poslušalca. Vokalist meša čudovito petje z včasih bolj,
včasih manj močnim vpitjem in moram reči, da dobro obvlada svojo
vlogo. Zelo so mi všeč izbruhi kitarskih melodij in sploh večino
kitarskega dela v teh komadih, saj je resnično privlačno napravljeno,
odlični pa so tudi nepoznabni akustični predeli in lepo petje. Njihove
šibke točke v nekaterih komadih, pa so grobi predeli, ki nosijo
robustno ozračje in mi malo kvarijo zadevo, ampak drugače je stvar
lepo poslušljiva in ima zmagovalno kvaliteto zvoka. Tekstov, razen
za komad ''Headless'' niso priložili in res ne vem zakaj temu tako?
Besedilo je dobro napisano in govori o razidu prijateljstva. Zunanji
izgled ovitka je v zlatih barvah in zelo enostavno narejen ampak
ne izgleda slabo, medtem ko je notranjost črno-bela in nosi zanimivo
garaffiti-style risbo, ter fotografijo za vsakega člana posebaj.
CD traja le slabih 18 minut kar ni dosti, vendar so me lepo presenetili
in bom sigurno imel odprte oči za prihajajoče izdaje!
Here I have New Jersey based hardcore band playing music that's
not so easy to define since they blend together wonderful melodic
''emo'' pieces (usually adorned with amazing singing) with heavy
metalcore regions of slower and not too fluid nature. Sometimes
they sound like some today's melodic nu-metal band, next time they
will show a bit more rock tendences like in the case of ''No touch
to the feelings'' which totally differs from the rest of the songs
but not in the sense of making things odd or spoiling coherence.
''If anything'' has even some slight rap moments (think Body Count)
not to mention ''Eulogy'' which is done completely with acoustic
guitar and just a glance of percussion in the background. I found
it very interesting how the songs differ from one another and each
has it's own recognzable element while barely one reach 3 minutes.
That definitely works good on a listener! Vocalist's using excellent
singing together with more or less burly shouting and I must say
he's doing a great job. I really like these bursts of melodies appearing
from time to time or I should say I like all the guitar work herein
since it's most of the time done really catchy. I also love memorable
acoustic moments and of course, beautiful singing but I really dislike
these rough portions done with somehow ''tough'' feel. Otherwise
things are very listenable and their sound quality is just amazing.
They didn't included any lyrics except for the ''Headless'' and
I really don't know why so? This one is written pretty good and
it's about friendship gone apart. Exterior part od the layout is
all in gold colours, done very simply, but it's not bad while inside
it's all black'n'white with some cool graffiti-style artwork and
a photo for each member. CD least only 18 minutes which's not much
but they surprised me very nicely and I will definitely check out
their upcoming releases!