imena se spominjam še iz ''Lost'n'Found časov'', ampak drugače je
to moje prvo, pravo srečanje z nemškim bendom imenovanim Adjudgement.
Zadeva je cool. New school hardcore kot v dobrih starih časih. Nisem
slišal kaj podobnega že precej dolgo, kajti omenjen stil je v zadnjih
letih popolnoma izginil iz scene, zamenjal pa ga je zvok Gothenburga,
Floride in kdo ve še kaj. Ja, govorim o ne pretirano metaliziranem
hardcoru, ki v svoji enostavnosti izžareva energijo in iskrenost.
Kitarske melodije so prijetne in struktura komadov dovolj zanimiva
, medtem ko vokalist jezno odkriči svoja kritična mišljenja o stvareh,
ki se dogajajo okoli njih. Super besedila, by the way,...inteligentna
in dobro napisana. Za konec zaigrajo še coolski komad 'Pierce your
dog' (Helmet/House of Pain), ki se ga bodo nekateri spominjali iz
komplilacije Judgement Night. Ovitk je v rumeno-črnih fotografijah
iz podzemne železnice kar zadostuje, razen na prvi strani bi lahko
malce bolje povdarili ime benda. Sem že mislil da gre za bend At
Two O'Clock. No, vseeno kvaliteten izdelek in res ne vem kako to,
da so Adjudgement po tolikih letih delovanja še vedno dokaj neznan
bend? Mogoče zato ker ne sledijo trendu? Ne vem, s tem izdelkom
so vsekakor pokazali da si zalužijo več pozornosti, sedaj pa je
le še od vas odvino če jim boste dali priložnost.
I remember this name from ''Lost'n'Found years'', but otherwise
this's my first real experience with german act called Adjudgement.
It's good stuff. New School hardcore like in the good old days.
I haven't heard anything similar for a long time...seems like bands
once like Adjudgement got replaced in the last few years by sound
of Gothenburg and Florida and therefore new school hc totally disappeared.
I'm talking about not too metal influenced hardcore which in it's
simplicity radiate energy and sincerity like you would expect from
a hardcore band. Guitar melidies are pleasant, song structures interesting,
while their vocalist use screaming to express ther crucial thoughts
about things going on around them. Great lyrics, by the way...intelligent
and good written. For the end play a cool cover song 'Pierce your
dog' (Helmet/House of Pain) somebady might remember from a compilation
called Judgement Night. The booklet is all in yellow-black photos
of subway and it works good, except for the front cover where I
think bands name should be more emphasized. (I already thought they're
called At Two O'Clock!) Anyway, this's a quality stuff and I really
don't know how they can be after all this years still so unknown.
Maybe bacuse they don't follow a trend? I don't know, but with this
record I really think they should deserve more attention so it's
only up to you if you will give them that chance.