Angels 7 Plagues so bend, ki se je pojavil enkrat lanskega leta
s tem albumom in v brezčasju osvojili množico ljudi, ter postali
eden opaznejših bendov ameriške hardcore scene. Zanimanje zanje
se je prižgalo tudi v Evropi in prav sedaj enkrat (september 2002)
naj bi izšel split CD z Liar na LifeForce records, ampak stvari
so se zakomplicirale in 7 Angels 7 Plagues so oznanili svoj razpad,
tako da dvomim, da bo kaj z napovedanim split CD-jem. Res škoda!
Glasba na tem albumu je melodičen in kompleksen metalcore poln vratolomnih
breakdown-ov , stalnega spreminjanja ritmov, ustavljajočih se rifov
in sladkih kitarskih melodij, ki se navadno zaključijo v težkih
in uničujočih prehodih. Ubistvu, bi lahko rekel, da ima njihov stil
igranja karakteristike tipičnega ameriškega modernega metalcora
z malo večjem poudarkom na strukturni kompleksnosti. Kar pa dela
7 Angels 7 Plagues edinstvene in na daleč opazne je vokal, ki ni
tisti tipičen kričeč kot smo ga navajeni, pač pa gre za grobo kruljenje
v stilu Coalesce. Če grem še globje s primerjanjem, bi rekel, da
je glasba, ki so jo 7 Angels 7 Plagues ustvarjali mešanica boljših
komadov Poison The Well, ter tehničnih in uničujočih Coalesce značilnosti.
Zelo lepa mešanica z dobrimi okusi! Album vsebuje tudi dva inštrumentalna
komada, od katerih je ''Jhazmyne's Lullaby'' poskus njihovega bobnarja
za klavirjem, ''The afternoon'' pa krasi zvok akusticne kitare.
Ovitek Cdja je enostavno napravljen in razen par fotorafij s koncertev
in ene pozerske fotke nima nič o čemer bi se dalo debatirati. V
besedilih imamo večinoma opravka z osamljenimi osebki, razočaranimi
nad izgubljenim prijateljstvom/ljubeznijo, ki se prepuščajo nikoli
pozabljenim spominom, ter se ob tem kesajo in si želijo, da bi se
stvari obrnile drugače. Všeč mi je predvsem njihova spretnost z
besedami: ''I feel ill with words of repentance & love, I could
never forget what I felt like, to feel my heart drop and watch as
lonely insects swarmed around it and fed off like a disease to a
diagnosed patient, you no longer see me, what am I doing but holding
back tears and thinking of you...'' Edina pripomba, ki jo imam glede
tega albuma je ta, da so si nekateri komadi čisto malo preveč podobni,
kar mi dela majše preglavice pri izbiri najljubšega komada, saj
razen inštrumentalnih dveh nobeden ne izstopa opazno in vsi so dobri.
Res škoda, da so se tipi razšli!
7 Angels 7 Plagues, a band that came from nowhere sometime last
year and in no time gained a great number of fans and became one
of the most noticeable band in american hardcore scene. Interest
for them enlightened also in Europe and there was already announceated
a split with Liar on geraman Lifeforce Records, which should came
out right in these days (September 2002). Unfortunately things got
compilcated and 7 Angels 7 Plagues declared it quit, so I doubt
that split will ever see the light. To bad, I was really looking
forward! Music delivers melodic and pretty complex metalcore with
constant neck-breaking breakdowns, choppy rhythms, start/stop riffs
and sweet guitar melodies that usually end in heavy and distructive
passages. I could say they have characteristics of typical modern
usa based metalcore band with a little more attention to structural
complexity. But what makes 7 Angels 7 Plagues unique and distinct
is the vocal, which is not screaming, like it's common for this
genre, but rough growling similar to the guy in Coalesce. Blend
the most beautiful peaces of Poison the Well with distructive complexity
of Coalesce and you get 7a7p! Tastefull mixture! Album include also
two instrumental songs, ''Jhazmyne's Lullaby'' as a try of their
drummer behind the piano and ''The afternoon'' completely done by
accoustic guitar. Layout is done simply and with exception of a
few live band photos and one posed there's nothing to debate about.
The lyrics content is personal, most of the time deals with lonely
individuals, disappointed over lost friendship/love and left to
never ending memories which lead to regret and a wish that things
would gone in different direction. I escpecially like the way how
they handle with words: : ''I feel ill with words of repentance
& love, I could never forget what I felt like, to feel my heart
drop and watch as lonely insects swarmed around it and fed off like
a disease to a diagnosed patient, you no longer see me, what am
I doing but holding beck tears and thinking of you...''. The only
complaint I have about this record is the similarity that leads
from one song to another and thus sometimes makes me difficult to
recognize and even choose favourite song amongst all this great
songs. Too band they chose seperate ways!