2BAD - ''Answermachine'' CD
Genere: noisy-rock-hardcore
: 4,7/10
Label: X-Mist Records
Year: 1993
Length: 10 tracks - 40:21 min
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Favourite Tracks: ''Talking fear''

Šit, tale plata je izšla 10 let nazaj in res ne vem kakšen je smisel pisat recenzijo, amapk stvar mi je bila poslana in kaj hočem? Ko sem ''Answermachine'' prvič upalil in šel nekajkrat zelo na-hitro skozi, se mi je glasba zdela precej dolgočasen in neenergičen noisy rock-hardcore, ki se mi ga po pravici povedano skorajda ni dalo poslušati. Danes zjutraj sem sem si plato pogledal malo bolj od blizu in ugotovil da 2bad niti niso tako slabi, kot mi je govoril prvi vtis in imajo tu in tam celo komad, ki mi je vseč, čeprav še vedno nimam kakega velikega navdušenja nad poslušanjem. Pač malce zatemljen, malce zamorjen/zaspan noisy-rock-hc z vokalistom, ki enkrat vpije drugič govori, občasno distorziranim basom ter strukturo komadov, kjer je očitno, da se tipm nikamor ne mudi. Komadi se med seboj lepo razlikujejo, ''Talking fear'' ima celo dodatke čela, ''A guy named John'' pa saxa. Besedila so preprosta, ampak uredu, pa še rimajo se...''I'd like to talk to you about fear it's one of those words that no one wants to hear cause fear can move you or freeze you in place and once you've had it you will never forget the taste it's not the fear of physical pain it's when you have to say of course I'm sane, it's the fear of waiting for phones that don't ring no hope no god no answer machine...'' Ovitek prikazuje navzven robota, ki naj bi bil ''Answermachine'' in stvar izgleda precej otročje, navznoter pa je vse napravljeno tako enostavno (samo tekst), da bolj nebi moglo biti in ne, ne izgleda dobro. Ne ravno stvar, ki bi lahko bila del moje glasbene zbirke.

English Version:
Damn, this one came out ten years ago and I really don't see the point writing a review for it, but thing was sent to me and what can I do? Firstly I went through ''Answermachine'' really quickly few times and it seemed like boring and weak noisy rock-hardcore, which I honestly couldn't listen. This morning I put it on again and found out 2Bad aren't really that bad like my first impression told me, though it's not something too exciting neither. It's a bit somber, a bit jawning noisy-rock-hc with yelling/talking vocalist, casually distorted bass lines and the song structures where it's obviouly they had no hurry. Songs are nicelly distinguish from one another, ''Talking fear'' even includes a cello and ''A guy named John'' sax. Lyrics are simple, but pretty ok and they rhyme... ''I'd like to talk to you about fear it's one of those words that no one wants to hear cause fear can move you or freeze you in place and once you've had it you will never forget the taste it's not the fear of physical pain it's when you have to say of course I'm sane, it's the fear of waiting for phones that don't ring no hope no god no answer machine...''. Outer layout has an illustrated robot which I guess it's an answermachine and looks prety childish while the inner side couldn't be done more simply (it's just a plain text) and no, it's not looking good. Not really something that could have a part in my record collection.