eno presenečenje male založbe iz Hong Konga, Gods Child Music. Tokrat
gre za prvenec mladega japonskega benda 16 Reasons, ki prinaša 6
komadov odličnega emocionalnega hardcora. Že takoj s prvim komadom
se usuje cel kup krasnih melodij, ki pojejo ob hitro-drvečim tempu
bobnanja, vse tja do zadnjih sekund zgoščenke. Kričanje se lepo
menjava s petjem, medtem ko je energija glasbe iz komada v komad
na samem višku. Ni ravno nekaj najbolj originalnega, saj so vplivi
modernih ameriških emocore bendov tipo Thursday, Grade, Promis Ring,
celo Yage, več kot očitni, ampak ne glede na to, fantje so se lepo
potrudili in ustvarili slabih 20 min zelo poslušljive in prijetne
godbe s čustvenimi teksti. Privlačno do konca! Nekaj kar fan melodičnega
hardcora me bi smel spregledati! (13/07/2004)
Another surprise from Hong Kong based label Gods Child Music.
This time it's a debut record for a young Japan outfit 16 Reasons
filled with 6 songs of excellent emotional hardcore. Their songwriting
is full of marvellus melodies flowing with fast and intesne drumming
all the way till the very last second of the record. Screaming is
exchanging prefectly with singing, while the enregy last from first
till last song. Modern american emocore influences (Thursday, Grade,
Promis Ring, even Yage) are more than obvious so it's not completely
original, but still, it's a very pleasant and listenable piece of
music worth checking out. Fans of melodic and catchy hardcore shouldn't
miss this one! (13/07/2004)