1000 TRAVELS OF JAWAHARLAL - ''Owari wa konai'' CD
Genere: emocore
: 9/10
Label: Day After Records
Year: 2003
Length: 9 tracks - 26:38 min
Link: 1000 Travels of Jawaharlal
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Favourite Tracks: all

Japosnki emo hardcore bend katerih glasba je že v prvih sekundah dvignila prah po vsej sobi. Za trojico sicer slišim prvič ampak tipi totalno zažigajo s svojim energično-drvečim hardcorom z neprestanim usipanjem krasnih melodij in melodičnih kitarskih rifov ter vokalistom z živahnim kričeče-spevnim pristopom. Kot da bi poslušal Japhet Kotto v punkrock preobleki. Resnično! Vsi komadi so odlični in se ti takoj zasidrajo v srce. Nažalost je to vse kar lahko povem, kajti v nabiralniku sem dobil le golo zgoščeno in nič drugega. Nasrečo pa pridejo tipi avgusta v Ljubljano in bi vam kar svetoval, pojdite jih pogledat, kajti to kar igrajo 1000 Travels of Jawaharlal zveni fantastično! Resnično!

English Version:
Japanese emo hardcore band that soared the dust all around my room in those very first seconds after insertion. I never heard about the trio before but fuck, they totally kick ass! It's energetic driven hardcore with constant strewing of gorgeous melodies and melodic riffs while the vocalist use vivid screaming/singing accession. It's like listening to punkrock version of Japhet Kotto! No joke! Every single song kills and quickly catch your heart. Unfortunately that's all I can say since I got only bare CD tray in my letter box, but lucky me, 1000 Travels of Jawaharlal are coming in europe this summer and I would recommend everyone to go see them if there's a chance since this music kick ass so much. Great stuff!