LOW PUNCH - ''demo tape'' - This is our very, very first product which came out in the beginig of 99'. We were quite satisfied with this tape - nice row sound, angry riffs, cool cover, but the lyrics sucks big time! SOLD OUT!

1. Blind mp3
2. Can't break me
3. God free youth
4. We need you
5. First step
6. Odgovor
7. Zaupanje
8. Same faces
9. Together
10. No way
11. Reunion

Here are some reviews:
Baje je težko recenzirati stvari, če dobro poznaš ljudi, ki stojijo za izdelokom. No, meni izgleda to precej preprosto. Low Punch so zakon! Fantje preigravajo klasičen old school hc, ki gre hitro v uho in že po parih poslušanjih si začneš peti hite kot so ''First step'', ''Can't break me'' in ''No way''. Hitra brezkompromisna glasba, ki izžareva mladostno energijo in blablabla. Pa tudi besedila so še kar na nivoju. Res prava osvežitev za slovensko hc sceno in sigurno bomo za te fante v prihodnosti še slišali.
13. BRAT #7, Miran xxx (Slovenia)

Goddamnit, this is one of the best demo's, I heard in a while. 11 songs of fast and energetic hc. Low Punch are from Slovenia and blow away most of the western Europe and U.S. bands. The lyrics are also quite good, not really well written but the (good) intentions are definitely there. The lyrics covers subjects as anti-government/church, racism and (of course - it's old school) friendship. 2 songs are written in their native language, a thing I totally support. Get it touch and support this band.
REFLECTIONS MAGAZINE #13, JK (The Netherlands)


CITY OF...CD - This a 4-way split CD which came out at the end of the 99' on Choose Life records and When the day comes records. We shared this CD with Entreat., Man in the shadow and Straightforward. I don't like our songs on this CD that much...I don't know why? Who cares anyway... There are actually just 4 new songs, the rest are rerecorded from the demo. They sounds much more faster here.
LowPunch Tracks:
5. D.I.Y. mp3
6. Blind
7. Good free youth
8. We need you
9. Who cares
10. First step
11. Small changes
12. Two sides
13. Zaupanje
14. Reunion
15. Same faces

Here are some reviews:
Honestly speaking I don't know exactly where to start off with this CD review. I'm kind of surprised that by the fact that there's a hardcore and punk scene in a country like Slovenia that is being harassed by a war and lots of othe problems in the past years. On the other hand I've great admiration for people who live over there for speaking out about everything what's going on in their country. This record is a documentation about four active bands in Slovenija. The first band called Entreat. kick off with four, most of the time, mid tempo songs that sometimes burst out in fast parts. All four songs are an excellent combination of tight and well played musicianship. Entreat. remind me of Swedish band Shield during their ''Build me up...'' days. Second band is called Low Punch, and they sounds like an old school band. All eleven songs are full of sing along choruses, are energetic and contain numerous jump and go parts. The vocal parts sounds like Mike Ski from Brother's Keeper starts singing for Ignite. Up next is Man in the shadow, all their songs are sung in their native language of which I think is kind of cool only for the fact to hear what it sounds like to hear someone sing in Slovenian. Man in the shadow lean more to progressive, mid tempo and emo-ish sounding hardcore with rather pissed off vocal parts, kind of early Ebullition style sounding (Sawhorse, Dawncast). Last band on this record is calles Straightforward, and concluding from this name only I think I'm dealing here with an old school sounding band. And I'm right! Straightforward play fast paced music and remind me of early Italian bands like early Growing Concern and not to forget Think Twice. But I don't know if this is because of their funny English accent they have. What must be said is that all bands on this record cover a political agenda. It's obvious that these kids aren't happy with the way things are going in their country. They want to make a difference, that's for sure and with this record I'm sure they won't only receive a lot of positive feedback from kids in their own country but they will also gain a lot of respect from people all over the world. To me, this record is a good introduction from Slovenian bands with a plain message!
VALUE OF STRENGTH #7, JP (The Netherlands)

A compilation of 31 songs by four Slovenian bands. They are: Entreat., Low Punch, Man in the shadow and Straightforward. Entreat. play heavy hardcore in the vein of No Escape (plus one ballad). Not at the top of ther language but not bad, either. Low Punch does the fast posi thing, simular to Hogan's Heroes. The vocals are high-pitched and nasal and the lyrics are anti corporate greed and religion. Ten songs, all fuckin positive. Next up is Man in the shadow who I already know from their 7''. Again they are good even though they sounds as if they just started out. The last band on here is Straightforward. They play great posi-core in the vein of 7 Seconds and Wishful Thinking. Tight and melodic. They rule. The accompanying booklet to this compilation features some anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian, pro-DIY and pro-love writings that are totally inspiring and positive. Very well done.


LOW PUNCH - ''Act...Revolt...Live'' CD - And finally, this is our last creation. Out at the end of 2000 on Choose Life records. 13 fast politiocal songs with explanations + 11 old songs as a bonus tracks from the demo tape you saw above. I like this one!


1. I want to be different
2. Something inside
3. I miss the days
4. Love
5. See it for your self
6. It's not over yet
7. Nations on fire
8. ...
9. Lets try something different
10. Addicted
11. Just a number
12. Blank society
13. Our epitaph MP3
14. - 24. Old demo songs

Some reviews:
Če se kdo spomni recenzijo, ki sem jo napisal za Intensity, naj na njo kar pozabi. Takrat sem napisal da so mi najboljši old school hc bend. Na moje veselje so na to mesto prišli LowPunch. Ej, folk od kar sem dobil v roke tale CD se neprestano rola v mojem CD playerju. Da si ne boste mislili, da ji toliko hvalim, ker so moji frendi. Fantje iz Ajdovščine so naredili 13 odličnih komadov, ki so super posneti, Stiba sipa po bobnih, da je pravo veselje in zmeraj več melodic je vmes (kot be Shai Hulud igrali old school). Meni osebno so vsi komadi zakon. Č moram povedati še kateri so mi hiti, bom rekel za ''Just a number'' (totalna singalong himna), "Blank society" in "Our epitaph" (ou ma pr tem komadu mora obvezno biti circlepit). Besedila so na nivoju, zraven pa so še razlage. Plus da na cd-ju se nahaja še demo, ki je bil razprodan in tiskan v zelo nizki nakladi, tako da je na cd-ju vsega skupaj 24 komadov. Ma, kaj češ več. Upam, da se bo kdo zbudil v naši "lepi" Sloveniji in vsaj malce podobnega naredil. Brez veze, da zgubljam besede, raje poslušajte cd in pojdite jih gledat v živo, ker so zakon.
13. BRAT #8, Valter (Slovenija)

Medtem ko je velik del svetovne glasbene produkcije že vecinoma podrejen glasbeni industriji in preko množicnih medijev posredovan svojim konzumentom pa neodvisna glasbena produkcija v raznih oblikah še vedno obstaja. Tako si pred sredinim nastopom Low Punch na Metelkovi, pobliže oglejmo prvenec Act… Revolt… Live… Skupina nastane v letu '97 in kmalu postane del mocne ajdovsko-novogoriške hard core scene, ki se zbira okrog fanzina 13. brat in ajdovskega kluba Jutro s kvalitetno in redno ponudbo skupin iz Evrope in Amerike. Po dveh letih izdajo prvo demo kaseto, ki vsebuje enajst pesmi in je kmalu razprodana. Kot bonus pa se pojavijo na njihovem novem CD-ju. Z nekaj pesmimi sodelujejo tudi na kompilaciji primorskih bendov City of… Ob koncu lanskega leta pri neodvisni založbi in distribuciji Choose life records izide njihov CD prvenec Act…Revolt…Live… Na njem je poleg starih moc najti 13 novih udarnih hard core komadov. S starim demom se posnetki komajda lahko primerjajo, saj so tokrat narejeni v pravem studiu in jim produkcijsko in tehnicno ni moc nicesar ocitati. Svoj prvotni old school hard core zvok v stilu starejših bendov tipa Gorilla Biscuits in 7 Seconds še dodatno nadgradijo s svojo osebno noto, zvokovno in kontekstualno se morda najbolj približajo novejšim skupinam kot so Outlast, Nine, Section 8. Hiter in drvec hard core zvok, na trenutke umirjen z bolj melodicnimi deli zraven pa kriceci vokali zacinjeni s skupinskimi refreni. Poleg licnega ovitka je k CD-ju priložena še zloženka z razlago besedil, ki so s svojo sporocilnostjo enakovreden, ce ne pomembnejši del njihovega delovanja, vec o tem pove pevec Dejan: "Upam, da niste kupili tega plošcka samo zaradi tega, ker izgleda lepo ali pa ker vam je všec naša glasba. Glasba je samo nacin kako izraziti naša custva in naša mnenja o današnji post-industrijalni družbi, v kateri je zmagal konzumerizem in je nagnjena k rasizmu, homofobiji, odtujitvi, seksizmu in stotinam drugih nacinov diskriminacije. Glasba ni najpomembnejši del hardcore/punk skupnosti. Nocemo da bi se slepo strinjali z vsem, kar mi recemo ali pa naredimo, ampak bi vas radi prisilili k temu, da uporabljate svojo glavo in svoje razmišljanje. Morate vedeti, da hardcore/punk gibanje (protikultura/skupnost) ne temelji na kupovanju in prodajanju. Gre za to, da svoje misli in prepricanja poveste ali pa uporabljate v pisni obliki. Hocemo, da postanete bolj samozavedni in tolerantni do cloveških razlik… …Ne bodite ovce, ne samo slepo slediti, bodite neodvisni posamezniki in zacnite uporabljati svojo glavo!" Low Punch: Act… Revolt… Live… (leto itdaje: december 2000; založba Choose life records). CD v priporocilo za poslušanje vsem ljubiteljem HC zvokov, seci po ovitku in besedilih za branje in razmislek pa ne bo škodilo nikomur. Tako da si zasluži kar vse štiri zvezdice oz. ŽVPL.
WWW.ZVPL.COM, Domen Repnik (Slovenija)

Že nacin izdaje plošce prica o prepricljivosti in spontanosti delovanja ajdovske zasedbe Low Punch. Založba Choose Life, pri kateri so izdali svoj prvi digitalni zapis zvoka, je namrec projekt njihovega prijatelja in somišljenika iz subkulturnega kroga ljudi iz vipavske doline, ki jih združuje fanzin 13. brat, prirejanje koncertov v ajdovskem klubu Jutro in ustvarjanje glasbe v posameznih skupinah. Nastanek plošce je delno pokrila mestna obcina Nove Gorice, ostala financna sredstva pa so šla iz žepov navdušencev nad hardcore glasbo. Njihova glasba torej ni nastala zaradi potreb trga. Posledica tega je glasbeni produkt, natancno tak, kot so si ga zamislili glasbeniki. Skupina Low Punch, ki deluje od leta 1997, že v uvodu opozarja, da je glasba, ki jo igrajo, samo nacin, kako izraziti obcutja o današnji družbi in svetovni ureditvi. Skozi drveci old school hardcore skupina obracunava z anomalijami moderne družbe, kot so rasizem, homofobija, odtujitve, seksizem... Na cedeju je mogoce najti tudi pesmi z demo kasete, ki jo je skupina izdala pred dvema letoma. Od nosilcev zvoka se lahko pohvalijo tudi s sodelovanjem na kompilaciji City of..., ki predstavlja tamkajšnjo sceno. Njihovo glasbo bi lahko primerjali s skupinami Outlast in Section 8, ki so v Evropi že uveljavljena imena. S prepricljivim zvokom in odrskim nastopom bi širšo underground publiko lahko osvojili tudi Low Punch. Izdelek je dovolj kakovosten. Kitare vsebujejo dovolj razsežnosti, da jih ne moremo zapreti v okvir tipicnega old schooll zvoka. Vokal je svojevrsten in kricec, bas razigran in bobni neverjetno hitri, a vseeno oprijemljivi. Cedeju so priložene razlage njihovih pesmi. V Sloveniji so si fantje že ustvarili status izvrstne žive skupine. Le kako jih bo po razprodani prvi demo kaseti sprejela Evropa
WWW.VECER.COM, Ziga Gombac (Slovenija)

Not FLOORPUNCH but LOWPUNCH. Besides the name, there are also a lot of musical paralles. LOWPUNCH play classic 80ies old school with very fast drums. Musically you know what you get: dance-parts, sing-alongs, etc. They really know how to present the old school. The songs sound powerful and have lots of spirit. The riffs don't get boring and songs like "it's not over yet" or "..." add even more diversity. "Act...revolt...live" does not get boring although it lasts almost 40 minutes and carries 24 songs (including their old demo). The production is clean and tight. The lyrics deal with our modern society, the punk and hardcore community, the idea of d.i.y., racism, homophobia, etc. Everything is kept really political but without being docmatic or superficial. There's NOTHING about this record that I don't like and if you're into thoughtful old school hardcore you should go for this one! (Christoph)
KEEP THE FAITH, Christoph (Germany)