



Some words about '''' lyrics

Blank Society
Our society is based on consummation. Every day we are bombarded by perfect images, commercial advertisement, which try to convince us, that we have to buy and buy and buy. People are bored and they see the only entertainment in consummation and buying products, they don't really need. Multi corporations offer us junk food (McProfit…), lame entertainment (soap operas and all kind of stupid stuff) etc…the entire world is based on boredom, that some people can take advantage of. In the HC/punk community we have a chance of stepping out of this doomed circle but we are still in some way connected with it. Technology is slowly killing us and we greet this with open arms because it will save us of boredom. Unfortunately people are still blind and they think that everything will be ok, sooner or later. When? Maybe everything will make us think soon or we will be finally happy in the grave…

The concept of intolerance is seen also in the HC/punk community. The subculture that is supposed to be based on tolerance and respect can be vitiated. There are Christian bands, bands that put all sort of nazi, sexist, speciist and other negative messages in the HC/punk. These kind of bands have no place in this community. Bands and other individuals that see profit in this scene do not belong in it. The abuse of HC/punk youth (and others) is similar to that mainstream shit. This community is supposed to be a revolt against all this abuse, but some see it as just another consuming community. We must not let HC/punk change into that. We have to fight against animal exploitation, against racial prejudice, against putting religion into HC/punk, against sexism, homophobia, fight against all the suffering and intolerance that hurts people and other creatures. And then I think are we full of hate? No I think it is called love for the HC/punk community.

Just a number
I think it is all said in the title. Human being is no longer an individual he/she is just a number. A number inside invisible borders of the so-called nation states. We are forced to live on the terms that are being set by the retarded politicians. With police brutality they keep us chained and they steal our freedom. We are forced to live by their standards and being exploited is our motto. But there are a lot of people (individuals?) who found out how to fight institutionalism and live a different life. But anyone can be an individual joined in the fight.

Something inside
Vcasih, ko se spraviš v posteljo da bi zaspal ti zacnejo misli delovati kot nore. Zacneš razmišljati o vseh mogocih stvareh. O tvojem življenju, problemih, šoli, službi, prijateljih, hrani… in vcasih razmišljaš o dnevu, ki si ga pravkar koncal. Razmišljaš o tem kaj si pocel cez dan in zacneš se spraševati. Sem naredil vse kar sem nameraval? Vse stvari ki sem jih nacrtoval vceraj? Sem imel kaj od dneva? Sem naredil kaj zase ali je bilo vse narejeno za druge? In še tisoc podobnih vprašanj. Tako odkriješ da je v tvojem t. i. popolnem življenju ogromno lukenj. Ali še huje - odkriješ, da je tvoje življenje ena sama crna luknja ali pa sploh ni tvoje! Nasvet: tvoje srce je edini rešitelj. Sledi mu!

Nations on fire
Ever since human being began to think (since it has developed itself into so-called intelligent species), it found out that with a little violence it could inoculate their belief to another person. Today this little violence means nuclear arming; million man armies, filled with young boys and girls, brainwashed, forced into killing; it means blood, destruction, hate, and killing… It means devastated homes, refugees, hunger, millions of dead innocents, it means death… When will we learn to respect each other and learn how to listen, when will we learn that we are too valuable to be killed, when will we learn that…

I want to be different
My father once had a comment on two men in love, which he has seen on the TV. I did not understand that comment. Luckily. It was one of those remarks:" Look at those faggots, aren't they ashamed of what they are doing? This is not natural!" Natural? How can you know what is natural? Don't they have a right to be in love? And freedom? Why do we have to do this? Are we really so stupid that we cannot understand a love relationship between two men? I am fucking tired of these constant jokes on the homosexuals! And what about those pro-lifers that treat women like dirt and try to command them what to do with their own bodies. Pro-life means sexism and discrimination. And these bullshit racial prejudices! We are not in the middle ages. How can you tell me what a person is like just by the colour of his skin?! This is not happening. If I am honest I am ashamed to be white if I only remember the pain that white people brought on coloured people. I want to be different…

See it for yourself
Every day we hear promises, that everything will change and everything will be all right. Fuck off! Has anything changed? No. And it will never change if we, the people, don't stand together. Everybody can see what is happening around him or her. You don't need us to tell you what to do. Start acting, do a zine, do a band, throw a Molotov cocktail into the nearest government building, do something. Do it yourself.

Let's try something different
Maybe now it is time to try something new, that we try to change something. Maybe now it is the time to be freed from the chains of capitalistic world. We have to fight and free ourselves from these chains. Maybe we just have to try something different.

I miss the days
We all remember parts of our past, when we were kids and we had lots of beautiful and sad moments and we had all sorts of friends. I bring all those moments back, I remember all those stupid things we did and I somehow miss those days. I think about the friends and the people that surrounded me and I try to remember what happened to them over all these years. I miss those moments with them and I miss the people that I used to have around me.

Our Epitaph
I always wondered how would it be if I had a band on major label. And then I realised that I don't want to do that. I hate to subordinate to others and being on a major label that tries to control your life would be a death to my soul. Why HC/punk has to sell? And the thing with that quote:" Why not making money with the thing you love to do?" Why selling your love? Why some people see only money in this counterculture? To me HC/punk means a revolt against all this shit and not just another by-product by the capitalistic society. I am embarrassed when I try to explain people that this movement is not about profit and then my co orator brings up a few so-called HC/punk bands that are on a major labels and a few months ago they were the hottest DIY band and they were totally independent. I have enough of this. This movement supposed to be a rebellion not submission. HC/punk is much more than a few papers with numbers on them.

It's not over yet!
Again thinking about capitalism. Again thinking about money ruling the world. Maybe some will say that we preach about this so much because we are broke. Maybe. But maybe we care, when we see that one third of the world population is starving because of some parvenus that try to make money out of it, because of some people who see war as a great profit market, because of some people who see money in exploiting workers and use children as a cheap working force. Or we just say this because we are penniless. Interesting, isn't it?

Religion is, just like cocaine, an addictive drug. Some are so fucking addicted that they don't see a way out. I believe that religion, as it is known today, is wrong. Do we really have to put blame on someone who doesn't exist? Are we really that dumb? Just look at the things people did in the name of god. Cross wars (Christian religion), holy Muslim war (jihad), Protestants and Catholics cannot find a common path because oh three differences in their religion… I think I am going to laugh. We cannot do these things. The truth is everything is about money again. Nobody believes in god. It became a fairytale for which some hope that it will come true. I don't need gods to live my life and dreams. I only need myself.