treh letih trdnega dela, so nemški Paint the Town Red končno prišli
do svojega prvega full-length albuma. Tokrat udarijo z novim kitaristom
in bobnarjem (Nanouk iz ex-Costa's Cake House) in počasi se že odmikajo
od tiste, za njih verjetno precej nadležne primerjave s The Hope
Conspiracy. No ja, kljub temu še vedno zvenijo zelo ameriško in
niti malo evropsko. Plošček ponuja 13 komadov energičnega, rahlo
metalnega hardcora z besnim kričanjem in težkimi, agresivnimi predeli,
ki vedno izbruhnejo v privlačne, melodične prijeme. Občasno zaidejo
v hitre in melodične, lahko bi rekel old-schoolersko obarvane trenutke
in takrat energija in udarnost dosežeta svoj vrhunec. Te formule
bi se vsekakor lahko več posluževali. Nekaj komadov je čistih hitov,
medtem ko je ostalo dobro ali solidno, se pa tudi najde komad kot
je ''Four words battle hymn'', ki je totalno patetičen. Drugače
zgoščenka predstavlja dobro mešanico agresije in melodičnosti in
ne vem, če jim je, v tem kar delajo, kos še kakšen drugi evropski
bend. Svoj booklet pričnejo s tekstom, ki govori o izvoru naše bolečine,
trpljenja in travme in ga zaključijo z vzpodbudnimi besedami, ki
učijo, da je treba imeti upanje in verjeti vase, ter se boriti za
stvari, ki v življenju nekaj pomenijo in svet v katerem živimo.
Približno v tej smeri gredo tudi besedila, ki so lepo zapisana,
polna jeze in družbene kritike. Kvaliteten izdelek in prava osvežitev
od vseh nemških mosh-metal bendov, ki sem jih v zadnjem času slišal.
After three years of hard work Paint the Town Red finally
delivered their first full-length album. This time they strike with
new guitarist and drummer (Nanouk from ex-Costa's Cake House) and
I could say they slowly start moving away from the style so often
compared with The Hope Conspiracy, although they still sound like
an american hardcore band. What we get here is 13 songs of energic
hardcore with metallic edge and pissed of screaming/shouting, where
heavy and aggressive parts usually outburst into catchy and melodic
assaults. Occasionally they surprise with fast melodic old-school-like
moments I totally adore and wish they would do it more often. Some
songs are real anthems, while the majority stays good or solid or
even lame, like in case of ''Four words battle hymn''. I think ''Home
is where the hate is'' reatin a good combination of melodic and
aggressive hardcore not so often found within European hardcore
scene. Booklet opens with a text dealing with origins of our pain,
suffering and trauma and in its conclusion they teach us to have
fate and believe in ourselves as well as to figh for things that
matter and world in which we live. Thoughtful and anger-filled lyrics
goes more or less in the same direction. Quality shit and a real
refreshment amid all these mosh-metal bands scattered around Germany.
tega splita je bil napovedan že kar nekaj časa nazaj, sprva je bil
mišljen z američani Since By Man, kasneje pa so jih zamenjali belgijci
Rise and Fall. In kaj po vsem tem času dobimo? Dosti ne. Osem minut
glasbe ali po dva komada za vsak bend. Vse skupaj bolj za pkušino
oz. nekaj kar bi raje videl na cenejšem 7'' formatu. Prvi udarijo
nemški mladci Paint the Town Red, ki se jih spominjam po energičnih
nastopih, medtem ko so glasbeno vedno bili kopija ameriških The
Hope Conspiracy. Udaren hardcore z metalnimi kitarami in drevečim
tempom bobnanja, nad vsem tem pa še besno kričanje Marcota (ex-My
Hero Died Today), ter preliv melodij za privlačnejši okus. Vse skupaj
precej močna zadeva z veliko želo po sprememah...''...I don't know
the future/ but I know how it's goint to start/ I'm not afraid/
and the vision of a world/ with no boundaries/ with no controls/
keeps the hate in our hearts/ rise agains/ (heart) beat by (heart)
beat.'' Rise and Fall delujejo kaki 2 leti in so nekakšen all-star
bend iz članov propadlih ali še vedno delujočih imen kot so The
Deal, Congress, Kingpin, Spirit of Youth, Forced Hate, Vitality,
itd. Glasbeno še vedno uporabljajo isti recept kot pri omenjenih
bendih, čeprav jih bi tokrat prej primerjal s Clevo-style hardcorom
(Integrity, Ringworm, itd.), kot pa s H8000-arean hardcorom, katerega
so med drugimi izoblikovali prav ti, zgoraj omenjeni bendi. Ja,
mrke metalne rife v roki drvečih tempov in pa solo v ''Running out
of time'' je brez dvom rodil Cleveland. Kakorkoli že, precej agresivno
nasiln bend s surovim kričanjem besed razočaranja nad svetom. Cool
stvar. Nobeden od dvojice sicer ne prinaša nič novega in split je
zdaleč prekratek, ampak teh 8 minut je vseeno združuje kvalitetne
4 komade vredne čekirati. (07/03/04)
It passed a long time since announcement of this split that
was at first ment with Since by Man from the states, but later on
replaced by young belgian outfit Rise and Fall. And what do we get
after all this time? Not much. 8 min long CDep with 2 songs for
each band. In other words, something that leaves you hungry for
more and something I would much rather seen on a cheaper 7'' format.
First they strike german youngsters Paint the Town Red which I remember
by powerful live sets, though their music always tasted like The
Hope Conspiracy. It's a striking hardcore with metallic guitars,
driving drum tempos and above all pissed off Marco's (ex-My Hero
Died Today) screaming with a flow of melodies that makes it all
even more tasty. Strong stuff with a strong will for changes...
''...I don't know the future/ but I know how it's goint to start/
I'm not afraid/ and the vision of a world/ with no boundaries/ with
no controls/ keeps the hate in our hearts/ rise agains/ (heart)
beat by (heart) beat.'' Rise and Fall are together about 2 years
now and they're known as Belgium all-star group out of current and
former members of The Deal, Congress, Kingpin, Spirit of Youth,
Forced Hate, Vitality, etc. They use pretty much the same style
as they used/use with mentioned bands, though this time they are
much more influneced by Clevo-style hardcore (Integrity, Ringworm,
etc.) rather than their own H8000 area hardcore. Yes, gloomy metallic
riffs embraced in driving tempos and the solo in ''Running out of
time'' were no doubt born nowhere else but in Cleveland. All in
all pretty aggressive and violent music with row screaming words
of disappointment over world we live in. Good stuff. Both bands
deliver nothing new and the split is way to short but these 8 minutes
still possess 4 quality songs worth checking out. (07/03/04)
hardcore bend, ki je nastal iz ex-My Hero Died Today in ex-I...kar uredu
stvar, pa še zvenijo boljše kot benda iz katerih prihajajo...spominja
na Hope Conspiracy!
30/03/02 Ajdovščina, 08/10/02 Italy
