song: Arson's Prayer Contain: 4 tracks Length: 19:47
min Year: 2001 |
are two hardcore bands I highly respect. I will star with Catharsis.
They contributed for this split just one but amazing, almost ten minutes
long song titled ''Arson's Prayer''. It starts with a piano and sounds
similar to the intro on their firs album titled ''Samsara''. After
the intro breaks out fast driving drumming twisting with harsh screaming
vocal, and melancholic guitar rhythms in the background. That leads
to a long even more melancholic bass leading part loaded with spoken
words and some powerful beats from time to time. This is definitely
my favourite Catharsis song they ever did and it has amazing dense
lyric, which is a call to revolt. Newborn are devoted to more melodic
and modern hardcore sound. Fast, beautiful and catchy… you have to
love what they're doing. Lyrics are not as complicated as Catharsis
one but still very thoughtful written. The main message is escaping
from the daily life formed by conformity. The only bad thing about
this split is its length, which last barely 20 minutes.
- ''In these desperate days…we still strive for freedom'' 7''
can't even imagine how good this is…it's a nice example of what I
called perfect release, and I'm not talking just about music here!
These Hungarian guys musically and lyrically hit into the middle of
my heart. It's some kind of fast music mixture of new school, old
school and emocore with non-stop brilliant melodies and screaming
vocal, which from time to time become melodic sung. The music is mainly
melodic and it has very completion technical riffs. Everything is
on the right place! I could place this somewhere between Shai Hulud
and Stretch Arm Strong, but I believe this is much better and of course
faster! The lyrics part is great too and even it's not hard to understand
them they added also explanations. The first song titled ''Difficulties
of crossing a border'' dealing with alienation caused by borders and
I can imagine why they are so pissed on their national customs because
I experienced that when I was returning from Hungary. The rest of
the songs talk about the stupid separation of the hardcore scene,
creating your own life and the last song ''all roads lead to Rome''
should be the hardcore hymn. Four beautiful songs we became addicted
with. I want more!
Madžarski hardcore bend, ki je v hipu postal priljubljen v hardcore krogih...Fantje
igrajo moderen hardcore, uporabljajo socialno politične tekste in v živo
blestijo! Ajdovščina 06/12/99, Italy-Aviano 12/08/01, Belgija 19/08/01