Shall Burn so me nazadnje zares zazibali s ploščo ''Asunder'' ali
še bolj z zgoščenko, ki so si jo delili s Caliban. Od tega je minilo
že dosti časa, fantje pa še kar naprej ostajajo zvesti svojemu trdemu
zvoku. Še več. Postali so zanimivi tudi večjim metalskim založbam
in verjetno se niso dolgo obotavljali, ko se jim je ponudila priložnost
na Cetury Media Records. Tako dobimo ''Antigone'', njihov tretji
velik album in prvi poskus na večji založbi. In kaj je novega? Razen
dražjega zvoka in malenkosti kot so blizu-gothic vložki s sintom
ali redki moderni, pojoči parti, se niso ne vem kako spremenili..
Še vedno ostaja močna metalska glasba z rušilno distorzijo in hudim
kričanjem, ki se pogosto srečuje z melodičnostjo. Tu in tam se celo
pojavi komad, kjer dobim občutek, kot da sem ga že slišal. ''The
dream is dead'' pričnejo z elektronskim uvodom, drugače pa so na
plati še trije inštrumentalni vložki narejeni s klavirjem, violino
in čelom. Meni so najbolj všeč, ko kitare pilijo melodiko in bobnar
melje s svojimi pedali, takrat nastane pravi tornado, ki človeka
dobesedno dvigne v zrak. Nažalost je dvojnega pedaliranja manj kot
ponavadi in o kakšni primerjavi z Bolt Thrower se sploh ne bi dalo
več govoriti. Heaven Shall Burn so vedno znali presenetiti še s
kakšno priredbo ob koncu plate in tudi tokrat ni izjeme. Komad ''Disloaction''
od Disembodied totalno zažiga, čeprav ni niti pol tako dober kot
v originalu, zaigrajo pa tudi ''Not my god'' od meni tujega benda
Hate Squad. Naslovi komadov so precej dolgočasni (''The weapon they
fear'', ''The only truth'', ''Bleeding to death'', ''The Dream is
dead'', etc.) in popolnoma brez domišljije, pa tudi besedila so
zapisana bolj tako-tako, ampak njihov ogen uporništva in optimizma
še vedno močno gori in prav to jih postavlja v ospredje evropske
metalcore scene. Bend v živo raztura in se jih splača jih pogledat,
ampak da bi jih doma poslušal kot sem jih nekoč...a-a, ne. ''Antigone''
sem se namreč že po par rundah popolnoma naveličal. Podobna zgodba
kot z njihovim predhodnem ''Whatever it may take''. (22/08/2004)
shall burn so si v svojih zadnjih par letih obstoja pridobili veliko
oboževalcev in jih brez dvoma uvrščamo med najbolj priljubljene bende
evropske metalcore scene. ''Whatever it may take'' je njihov najnovejši
izdelek in njihov drugi veliki album po vrsti. Album vsebuje dvanajst
komadov + intro in je nedvomno njihov najboljši material do datuma.
Svoj zvok in kvaliteto komadov so od prejšnje plate ''Asunder'' le
še izpopolnili…dobri rifi, prijetne melodije in kot pri vsaki njihovi
plati, energije da te odnese. Tipi še vedno vztrajajo z grobostjo
in brutalnostjo, ter črpajo ideje od bendov kot so Bolt Thrower in
ne od švedskih melodic deathmetal bendov, kot to danes dela večina
metalcore bendov…to mi je pri njih všeč! Kot je v njihovi navadi,
imajo tudi tokrat priredbo in sicer komad ''Casa de caboclo'' od političnega
brazilskega vegan sxe benda Point of no return…super komad mimogrede!
Predstavijo pa nam tudi svoj komad ''Implore the darken sky'' v dveh
različicah, prvič v kričeči obliki in drugic s spevno melodičnim vokalom…druga
verzija totalno zažiga! Glede na to, da je album ''whatever it may
take'' en sam napredek, lahko pričakujete tudi boljša besedila, ki
so nabita z jezo, optimizmom in hrepenenjem po revoluciji, uporu,
lepšem življenju, mašcevanju… vsekakor pohvale vredna besedila, ki
bodo brez dvoma ogrele upornost poslušalcev… ''Conformity, the
agony of freedom. An epidemic eats our worlds. I know your eyes will
be to weak to see the way to walk. Not able to live the single moment.
Your skin is far to cold to feel a kiss. Feeling numb to all this
suffering. Where is the place we use to hide? Will it be enough to
tell you about the freedom you could have. About the stars, the green,
the happiness, about the soulless slaves you're following. Will this
be wnough to overcome the mechanism, that keeps you away from our
hands they will never suffocate this fire. They will never extinguish
my flame. I won't let you fall from my hands. I'll fight until the
end, I promise. It burns within!'' |
HEAVEN SHALL BURN - ''The split program'' split CD
sure that this is at the moment one of the most searching album in
Europe and I think I don't have to explain why. In other words I'm
talking about two bands that reached lots of hearts in a really short
time. Even mine! CD starts with Caliban, which continue from where
they stopped with their full length album "A small boy and a grey
heaven". Music is still rushing, full of hits and mosh parts. There
is not really any progress in their music, but lyrically they reach
the next stage - they went into more emotional waters! The second
band are Heaven shall burn which are total blast! These songs are
even better than the songs on their full length album "Asunder''!!
They totally blowed me off this time! Lyrics speaks about pollution
of the environment, resistance against gods and masters and in the
song "The seventh cross'' they associating on idea that we will be
free only after our death. Pessimistic guys. Both bands also did a
cover song of each other.
IMPRESSION MUSIC, PO BOX 938, 09009 CHEMNITZ, GERMANY xxximpressionxxx@bigfoot.de
www.impressionrec.com |
SHALL BURN - ''Asunder'' CD
is a bomb!!!! Nine destructive songs by this German killing machine
plus two cover songs by Lair and Bolt Thrower. Yeah, this guys really
are a Bolt Thrower fans and it's not hard to notice that. Double bass
is crushing all the time with almost no brakes, strong metal riffs
which sometimes change into more melodic parts and all together increase
into black metal, awesome screaming and gruff vocal, and tons of great
breakdowns and mosh parts. I could say this is death metal. Their
lyrics are dark and some of them are pessimistic, but they also give
us ideas such as individualism, atheism, never give up, etc... pretty
cool lyrics actually, but I think they shouldn't use so much the same
words in their lyrics. This is it. Great stuff which comes in a very
good looking digi-pack!
IMPRESSION RECORDS, PO BOX 938, 09009 CHEMNITZ, GERMANY xxximpressionxxx@bigfoot.de
www.impressionrec.com |
boljših nemških metalcore bendov...v živo žagajo za popizdit...Italy 26/09/00