melodičen death-metal bend, za katerega si ne bi nikoli mislil,
da prihajajo iz Francije, temveč bi jih prej označil za kak nemški
hardcore bend, ki igra metal s privdihi švedskega death-metala.
Gre za stil, ki ga zadnje časa uporablja veliko hardcore bendov
in to je stil z močnimi metal vplivi. Komadi sicer nimajo kakšnih
kitarskih solacij in glasba sama je bolj počasnega tipa, vendar
pa je zadeva dokaj tehnična in dovolj dobro narejena, da pritegne
poslušalca. Na eni strani se preliva temačnost in melanholičnost,
na drugi pa melodičnost in lepota, skozi ves čas pa spremlja komade
energičnost in raznolikost. Ko sem prvič poslušal tole zgoščenko
sem najprej pomislil na nemške metalkorovce Absidia in isto mnenje
imam sedaj...res da gre tukaj za več švedskih vplivov kot pri Absidiji,
vendar pa so deli, ki so si močno podobni pa tudi hrapavo kričeč
vokal se ne razlikuje dosti. Besedila so preprosta in čeprav verjamem,
da imajo dober namen, ne morem reči da so mi všeč. Občutek imam,
da se bi Haeresis dobro ujemali z novimi bendi na Voice of Life
records, vendar pa izgleda, da že imajo pogodbo za vnaprej s francosko
metal založbo Deadsun, kjerkoli že bodo izdali se že
veselim novega materiala!
Fot this young, melodic death-metal band I would never thought
they're coming from France, since they sound like some swedish death-metal
influenced band from Germany. It's the style often encountered in
hardcore scene these days and that's the style with big metal influences.
They actally don't have any particualr guitar solos and their music
is rather slow, but it's pretty technical and done good enought
to attract the listener. On one hand there's sheding darkness and
melancholy and on another melodiousness and beauty, but there's
always present a high dose of energy and diversity. When I heard
these four tracks for the first time a german metalcore band Absidia
came on my mind and now after a dozen of listenings I still think
the same. It's true there're more swedish influences than in the
case of Absidia, but there're pieces which are pretty similar and
also harsh screaming vocal is not so much distinguished. The lyrics
are simple and although I believe they have a good intention I can't
say I like them. I have a feeling Haeresis would be a good company
to the new bands on Voice of Life records, but it seems like they
already found a label where they will shape their steel in the's
a french metal label Deadsun Records. Well, wherever they will release
something new I'm already looking forward for upcomings...