ENTREAT. - "Shaded" CD

What do I have to say here? I really wish there would be more bands like this in Slovenia. With this album they really did a big step forward. I don't know, some of you will like it; others will prefer their previous style. Those who like real metal will love it or maybe dislike it cause they don't have long hair. When I got this CD my first impression was like ''oh fuck, what the hell is this?'' I really expected something more heavier. I need a while till this masterpiece rose to my heart. Suddenly everything was clear - this is a great release. I really love this easy emo parts and than heavy metal destruction. But it's not as simple - besides Swedish melodic metal there are also rock'n'roll influences and sometimes their music is mirroring with some hellish German bands. The vocal is desperately screaming, sung clean and there is a lot of talking parts. In each view it sounds perfect. I like every single song, ok, except maybe the firs part of the song called ''Starec'' which is in a Slovenian language, by the way. In this song Patrik sings like Magnifico (Slovenian pop star), this bother me or maybe it's a melody? I don't know. The lyrics are original and expansive. There is lots of metaphor and each song is like story you once experienced in your life. It makes you think and leaves you full of questions and that's all the charm.
CHOOSE LIFE RECORDS, POT NA BREGU 8, 5250 SOLKAN, SLOVENIJA miran.rusjan@kiss.uni-lj.si

ENTREAT. - ''s/t'' 7''

This 7'' should be out quite some time ago, but because of some problems with pressing everything took a little bit longer, so I almost forget about this long expected 7''. In spite of all that, this two songs are still refreshing. The sound is a little better than the one on City of... CD where Entreat. appeared with four songs. They still proceed with their sad emo-metal music and melancholic lyrics in all beauty. Music is mainly played in mid tempo style, there is really lots of cool melodies, some acoustic parts, some double bass and desperately screaming vocal which from time to time turns into beautiful singing. The lyrics are emotional and I really like the way they intensify. I wish I could say this is the best Slovenian HC release but I can't, because of the fact that I hate two songs long 7 inches. But still... yeah, it's best!
CHOOSE LIFE RECORDS, POT NA BREGU 8, 5250 SOLKAN, SLOVENIJA miran.rusjan@kiss.uni-lj.si


Eden boljših slo hardcore bendov, ki zvenijo iz leta v leto boljše in bolj metal...v živo sem jih gledal že ene stokrat in bi lahko napisal zgodbo o vsakem članu posebaj, ampak to kdaj drugič...

Ajdovščina 08/12/98

Ajdovščina 26/12/99

Ajdovščina 23/11/01

Ljubljana 02/11/01

Ko sem nazadnje fotografiral Entreat so bili še čisto drugačen bend z drugačnim stilom igranja in driugačno postavo. Iz hardkorovcev so zrasli metalci, medtem ko z nastopi ostajajo bolj ali manj isti - energični in udarni! Kranj 10/03/04

Eden njihovih boljših nastopov, kar sem jih videl v zadnjem času! Vrhnika 08/05/2004