časa sem verjel, da imajo tega benda že vsi dovolj, ampak Caliban,
divjo kot so, se ne dejo, obratno, izdajo nov album in takoj se
pokaže kakšno menenje gojijo tovrstni poslušalci do njih. Folk jasno
še vedno nori za njimi in tudi bo, vsaj dokler bodo moshali tako
peklensko kot so to počeli do sedaj. Mene so s svojim prejšnim albumom
''Vent'' tako razočarali, da sem jih izbrisal iz vseh seznamov in
tako nove plate nisem niti čakal, niti imel kakeršnih koli pričakovanj.
Naj povem, da je ''Shadow hearts'' vsekakor boljša od svoje predhodnice
in se bi nekako lahko kosala s prvim velikim albumom ''A small Boy
and a grey heaven'', ki je bil pravi bum, ko je prišel na tržišče.
No, glasba je še vedno njihov značilen mosh metal, le da tokrat
zvenijo malce bolj moderno in seveda boljše, kar pomeni več lepega
petja, več poudarka na kompleksnosti igranja in pa huda zvočna kvaliteta,
kajti tokrat so čas snemanja prebili v studiju Woodhouse, kjer snemajo
velika metalska imena kot so Tiamat, The Gathering, The Kovenant
in podobni. Komadi so pretežno hitri ter imajo navadno hude melodično-darkerske
kitarske melodije, vokalist ima še vedno tisto značilno ''hellish''
kričanje, bobnar pa je tokrat totalen manjak za dvojno pedaliranje.
Ja, glasba je močna in peklenska, tega ne morem zanikati, le včasih
se mi zazdi, da so vsi komadi narejeni po istem kopitu in da fantje
nekako ne morejo iz mreže, ki so jo pletli v času prejšnjih dveh
plat. Na ovitku me privlačijo zlasti temačne rjavo-črne barve ni
mi pa vseč podoba obraza (ali karkoli že ta grdobija je), ki se
pojavlja skozi strani. Besedila so boleča, polna mučnih spominov
in razočaranja ter obenem polna hrepenenja po svobodi in ljubezni.
Če prelistam še enkrat skozi booklet se mi zdijo vsa precej podobna,
čeprav niso slaba. Vsi tisti, ki ste mahnjeni na mosh boste uživali,
tisti ki niste vam bo morda samo ok ali pa tudi ne. Meni se zdi
''Shadow hearts'' kar ok!
- ''Vent'' CD
full length by these German mosh killers. Like usually the CD is equipped
with a nice looking layout and well done booklet. Hey wait! Didn't
I already saw this photo below the CD? So, how the ''Vent'' sounds
like? There is not much difference between their previous full length
''A small boy and a grey heaven''. Still remain fast rhythms, slow
double bass mosh parts, slayer riffs, good distorted screaming vocals
and nice done emo parts. They actually add some new elements like
drum'n'bass and female voice but this doesn't really make a difference
here. My favourite songs here are ''Love taken away'' and ''Sycamore
dreams''. Otherwise I like also female singing in ''about time and
decisions'', which sound just perfect. So music is maybe nothing new
but there is some progress in the lyrics part which are what else
than personal. Sad texts about lost love affairs, happiness, loneliness,
life, death, war…lots of pessimism present.
www.impressionrec.com www.calibanmetal.com
HEAVEN SHALL BURN - ''The split program'' split CD
sure that this is at the moment one of the most searching album in
Europe and I think I don't have to explain why. In other words I'm
talking about two bands that reached lots of hearts in a really short
time. Even mine! CD starts with Caliban, which continue from where
they stopped with their full length album "A small boy and a grey
heaven". Music is still rushing, full of hits and mosh parts. There
is not really any progress in their music, but lyrically they reach
the next stage - they went into more emotional waters! The second
band are Heaven shall burn which are total blast! These songs are
even better than the songs on their full length album "Asunder''!!
They totally blowed me off this time! Lyrics speaks about pollution
of the environment, resistance against gods and masters and in the
song "The seventh cross'' they associating on idea that we will be
free only after our death. Pessimistic guys. Both bands also did a
cover song of each other.
IMPRESSION MUSIC, PO BOX 938, 09009 CHEMNITZ, GERMANY xxximpressionxxx@bigfoot.de
www.impressionrec.com |
bom izgubljal časa z opisom, ker mislim, da je bend dovolj poznan... uglavnem,
bend ima en kup oboževalcev, mene pa njihovi zadnji albumi niso preveč
prepričali in niti ne njihov nastop... 17/08/2002 Belgija